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ARDUINO: Ejemplo display OLED I2c

En el siguiente ejemplo, muestro como podemos hacer una herramienta multifunción (Osciloscopio, Voltímetro, Inductometro y Frecuencímetro) con un display OLED I2c...
Cuando inicie este proyecto, me tope con dos problemas. Por un lado la capacidad del Arduino nano, y por otro, la activación y desactivación del registro del ADC (Lectura con referencia interna, externa, default) para no tener conflictos en las distintas funciones...
El programa completo corre perfectamente en un Arduino MEGA, pero para poder hacerlo correr en el Arduino NANO, noten que achique el programa del frecuencímetro (igual están las líneas que obvie para que pueda entrar en el NANO)...


//             Frecuencimetro-Inductometro-Voltimetro-Osciloscopio                      //
//    - ETI Patagonia Argentina                      //

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>               // PROGMEM
#include <EEPROM.h>
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128                // ancho display OLED
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64                // alto display OLED
#define REC_LENGTH 200                  //

// Declaramos la coneccion I2C de un display OLED SSD1306 (SDA, SCL pines)
#define OLED_RESET     -1      // Reset pin #
//#include <FreqCount.h>
////////////////////VARIABLES DEL FRECUENCIMETRO////////////////////
unsigned long count = 0;

////////////////////VARIABLES DEL INDUCTOMETRO////////////////////
//13 is the input to the circuit (connects to 150ohm resistor), 11 is the comparator/op-amp output.
double pulse, frequency, capacitance, inductance, inductance_mH;

////////////////////VARIABLES DEL VOLTIMETRO////////////////////
int PinADC = A1;
float voltaje=0.0;
int medida = 0;
int porcent = 0;
int pinOFFset=A2;
float offset=0.0;
int valorPot=0;
float vcc = 4.98;  //valor real de la alimentacion de Arduino, Vcc
float r1 = 1000000.0; // 1M
float r2 = 100000.0; // 100K
float input_volt = 0.0;
float temp = 0.0;

////////////////////VARIABLES DEL OSCILOSCOPIO////////////////////
const char vRangeName[10][5] PROGMEM = {"A50V", "A 5V", " 50V", " 20V", " 10V", "  5V", "  2V", "  1V", "0.5V", "0.2V"}; // \0
const char * const vstring_table[] PROGMEM = {vRangeName[0], vRangeName[1], vRangeName[2], vRangeName[3], vRangeName[4], vRangeName[5], vRangeName[6], vRangeName[7], vRangeName[8], vRangeName[9]};
const char hRangeName[8][6] PROGMEM = {" 50ms", " 20ms", " 10ms", "  5ms", "  2ms", "  1ms", "500us", "200us"};          // (48
const char * const hstring_table[] PROGMEM = {hRangeName[0], hRangeName[1], hRangeName[2], hRangeName[3], hRangeName[4], hRangeName[5], hRangeName[6], hRangeName[7]};

int waveBuff[REC_LENGTH];      //  (RAM)
char chrBuff[10];              //
String hScale = "xxxAs";
String vScale = "xxxx";

float lsb5V = 0.0055549;       // 5V0.005371 V/1LSB
float lsb50V = 0.051513;       // 50V 0.05371

volatile int vRange;           //   0:A50V, 1:A 5V, 2:50V, 3:20V, 4:10V, 5:5V, 6:2V, 7:1V, 8:0.5V
volatile int hRange;           // 0:50m, 1:20m, 2:10m, 3:5m, 4;2m, 5:1m, 6:500u, 7;200u
volatile int trigD;            // 0:1:
volatile int scopeP;           //  0:, 1:, 2:
volatile boolean hold = false; //
volatile boolean paraChanged = false; //  true
volatile int saveTimer;        // EEPROM
int timeExec;                  // (ms)

int dataMin;                   // (min:0)
int dataMax;                   // (max:1023)
int dataAve;                   // 10 max:10230)
int rangeMax;                  //
int rangeMin;                  //
int rangeMaxDisp;              // max100
int rangeMinDisp;              // min
int trigP;                     //
boolean trigSync;              //
int att10x;                    // 1

int SelecREFERENCIA = 0;

void setup()
// analogReference(INTERNAL);                // ADC1.1Vvref)
  pinMode(7, INPUT);    // funcion OSCILOSCOPIO
  pinMode(6, INPUT);    // funcion VOLTIMETRO
  pinMode(4, INPUT);    // funcion INDUCTOMETRO
  pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);    // (int0
  pinMode(8, INPUT_PULLUP);    // Select
  pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP);    // Up
  pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP);   // Down
  pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP);   // Hold
  pinMode(12, INPUT);          // 1/10
  pinMode(13, INPUT);    // funcion FRECUENCIMETRO
  pinMode (PinADC, INPUT); //A1
  pinMode (pinOFFset, INPUT); //A1
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);//output through a 150 ohm resistor to thr LC circuit
  pinMode(3, INPUT);//Input from the comparator output//Use any other pin you select
   //     Serial.begin(115200);        // RAM
  if (!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C))
  { // Address I2C 0x3C for 128x64
    //       Serial.println(F("SSD1306 failed"));
    for (;;);                               //
  loadEEPROM();                             // EEPROM
  attachInterrupt(0, pin2IRQ, FALLING);     //

void loop()
// if (digitalRead(13) == LOW)
//   {
//   analogReference(DEFAULT);
//   FreqCount.begin(1000);
//   frecuencimetro();
//  }
   if (digitalRead(7) == LOW)
   analogReference(INTERNAL);                // ADC1.1Vvref)
   if (digitalRead(6) == LOW)
   if (digitalRead(4) == LOW)


//void frecuencimetro()
// if (FreqCount.available())
// {
//  count =;
//  display.clearDisplay();
//  display.setTextSize(1);            // 2
//  display.setTextColor(WHITE);       //
//  display.setCursor(5, 4);         //(10, 25);
//  display.println(F("Frecuencimetro"));   //
//  display.drawFastHLine(3, 2, 120, WHITE);
//  display.drawFastHLine(3, 12, 120, WHITE);
//  display.drawFastHLine(3, 62, 120, WHITE);
//  display.drawFastVLine(3, 3, 60, WHITE);
//  display.drawFastVLine(123, 3, 60, WHITE);
//   display.setTextSize(1);            // display.setTextSize(2);
//  display.setTextColor(WHITE);       //
//  display.setCursor(5, 20);         //
//  display.println(F("Frecuencia:"));
//  display.setCursor(15, 39);         //
//  display.println(count);
//  display.setCursor(52, 39);         //
//  display.println(F(" Hz"));
//  display.setCursor(52, 48);         //
//  display.display();                         //
//  delay(1000);
//  display.clearDisplay();
// }


void inductometro()
  digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
  delay(5);//give some time to charge inductor.
  delayMicroseconds(100); //make sure resination is measured
  pulse = pulseIn(3,HIGH,5000);//returns 0 if timeout
  if(pulse > 0.1) //if a timeout did not occur and it took a reading:
 // #error insert your used capacitance value here. Currently using 2uF. Delete this line after that
  capacitance = 2.E-6; // <- insert value here
  frequency = 1.E6/(2*pulse);
  inductance = 1./(capacitance*frequency*frequency*4.*3.14159*3.14159);//one of my profs told me just do squares like this
  inductance *= 1E6; //note that this is the same as saying inductance = inductance*1E6
  inductance_mH = inductance * 1000; //note that this is the same as saying inductance = inductance*1E6

  display.setTextSize(1);            // 2
  display.setTextColor(WHITE);       //
  display.setCursor(5, 4);         //(10, 25);
  display.println(F("INDUCTOMETRO"));   //
  display.drawFastHLine(3, 2, 120, WHITE);
  display.drawFastHLine(3, 12, 120, WHITE);
  display.drawFastHLine(3, 62, 120, WHITE);
  display.drawFastVLine(3, 3, 60, WHITE);
  display.drawFastVLine(123, 3, 60, WHITE);
  display.setCursor(5, 16);         //
  display.println(F("High for uS:"));
  display.setCursor(80, 16);
  display.setCursor(5, 25);         //
  display.println(F("\tFrec Hz:"));
  display.setCursor(65, 25);         //
  display.println( frequency );
  display.setCursor(5, 34);         //
  display.println(F("\tInd uH:"));
  display.setCursor(55, 34);  
  display.println( inductance );
    display.setTextSize(1);            // 2
  display.setTextColor(WHITE);       //
  display.setCursor(5, 43);         //
  display.println(F("\tInd mH:"));
  display.display();                 //
  display.setTextSize(1);            //


void fuente()

int analogvalue = analogRead (A1);
temp = (analogvalue * 5.0)/1024;
input_volt = temp/(r2/(r1+r2));
if (input_volt <0.1)
  input_volt =0.0;
  display.setTextSize(1);            // 2
  display.setTextColor(WHITE);       //
  display.setCursor(5, 4);         //(10, 25);
  display.println(F("VOLTIMETRO"));   //
  display.drawFastHLine(3, 2, 120, WHITE);
  display.drawFastHLine(3, 12, 120, WHITE);
  display.drawFastHLine(3, 62, 120, WHITE);
  display.drawFastVLine(3, 3, 60, WHITE);
  display.drawFastVLine(123, 3, 60, WHITE);
   display.setTextSize(1);            // display.setTextSize(2);
  display.setTextColor(WHITE);       //
  display.setCursor(5, 20);         //
  display.setCursor(15, 39);         //
  display.setCursor(52, 39);         //
  display.println(F(" V"));
  display.setCursor(52, 48);         //
  display.display();                         //
  //display.setTextSize(1);            //


void osciloscopio()
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
  setConditions();                          // RAM40
  readWave();                               //  (1.6ms )
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);                    //
  dataAnalize();                            // (0.4-0.7ms)
  writeCommonImage();                       // (4.6ms)
  plotData();                               // (5.4ms+)
  dispInf();                                // (6.2ms)
  display.display();                        // (37ms)
  saveEEPROM();                             // EEPROM
  while (hold == true) {                    // Hold

void setConditions() {   //
  strcpy_P(chrBuff, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(hstring_table[hRange])));  //
  hScale = chrBuff;                                                   // Escala Horizontal

  strcpy_P(chrBuff, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(vstring_table[vRange])));  //
  vScale = chrBuff;                                                   // Escala Vertical

  switch (vRange) {              //
    case 0: {                    // Auto50V
        //        rangeMax = 1023;
        //        rangeMin = 0;
        att10x = 1;              //
    case 1: {                    // Auto 5V
        //        rangeMax = 1023;
        //        rangeMin = 0;
        att10x = 0;              //
    case 2: {                    // 50V
        rangeMax = 50 / lsb50V;  //
        rangeMaxDisp = 5000;     // 100
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
        att10x = 1;              //
    case 3: {                    // 20V
        rangeMax = 20 / lsb50V;  //
        rangeMaxDisp = 2000;
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
        att10x = 1;              //
    case 4: {                    // 10V
        rangeMax = 10 / lsb50V;  //
        rangeMaxDisp = 1000;
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
        att10x = 1;              //
    case 5: {                    // 5V
        rangeMax = 5 / lsb5V;    //
        rangeMaxDisp = 500;
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
        att10x = 0;              //
    case 6: {                    // 2V
        rangeMax = 2 / lsb5V;    //
        rangeMaxDisp = 200;
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
        att10x = 0;              //
    case 7: {                    // 1V
        rangeMax = 1 / lsb5V;    //
        rangeMaxDisp = 100;
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
        att10x = 0;              //
    case 8: {                    // 0.5V
        rangeMax = 0.5 / lsb5V;  //
        rangeMaxDisp = 50;
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
        att10x = 0;              //
    case 9: {                    // 0.5V
        rangeMax = 0.2 / lsb5V;  //
        rangeMaxDisp = 20;
        rangeMin = 0;
        rangeMinDisp = 0;
        att10x = 0;              //

void writeCommonImage() {     //
  display.clearDisplay();                   // (0.4ms)
  display.setTextColor(WHITE);              //
  display.setCursor(86, 0);                 // Iniciar en la parte superior izquierda
  display.println(F("av    V"));            // 1
  display.drawFastVLine(26, 9, 55, WHITE);  //
  display.drawFastVLine(127, 9, 55, WHITE); //

  display.drawFastHLine(24, 9, 7, WHITE);   // Max
  display.drawFastHLine(24, 36, 2, WHITE);  //
  display.drawFastHLine(24, 63, 7, WHITE);  //

  display.drawFastHLine(51, 9, 3, WHITE);   // Max
  display.drawFastHLine(51, 63, 3, WHITE);  //

  display.drawFastHLine(76, 9, 3, WHITE);   // Max
  display.drawFastHLine(76, 63, 3, WHITE);  //

  display.drawFastHLine(101, 9, 3, WHITE);  // Max
  display.drawFastHLine(101, 63, 3, WHITE); //

  display.drawFastHLine(123, 9, 5, WHITE);  // Max
  display.drawFastHLine(123, 63, 5, WHITE); //

  for (int x = 26; x <= 128; x += 5) {
    display.drawFastHLine(x, 36, 2, WHITE); // ()
  for (int x = (127 - 25); x > 30; x -= 25) {
    for (int y = 10; y < 63; y += 5) {
      display.drawFastVLine(x, y, 2, WHITE); // 3

void readWave() {                            //
  if (att10x == 1) {                         // 1/10
    pinMode(12, OUTPUT);                     //
    digitalWrite(12, LOW);                   // LOW
  } else {                                   //
    pinMode(12, INPUT);                      // Hi-z

  switch (hRange) {                          //

    case 0: {                                // 50ms
        timeExec = 400 + 50;                 // (ms) EEPROM
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA & 0xf8;              // 3
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA | 0x07;              // 128 (arduino
        for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENGTH; i++) {     // 200
          waveBuff[i] = analogRead(0);       // 112s
          delayMicroseconds(1888);           //

    case 1: {                                // 20ms
        timeExec = 160 + 50;                 // (ms) EEPROM
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA & 0xf8;              // 3
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA | 0x07;              // 128 (arduino
        for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENGTH; i++) {     // 200
          waveBuff[i] = analogRead(0);       // 112s
          delayMicroseconds(688);            //

    case 2: {                                // 10 ms
        timeExec = 80 + 50;                  // (ms) EEPROM
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA & 0xf8;              // 3
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA | 0x07;              // 128 (arduino
        for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENGTH; i++) {     // 200
          waveBuff[i] = analogRead(0);       // 112s
          delayMicroseconds(288);            //

    case 3: {                                // 5 ms
        timeExec = 40 + 50;                  // (ms) EEPROM
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA & 0xf8;              // 3
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA | 0x07;              // 128 (arduino
        for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENGTH; i++) {     // 200
          waveBuff[i] = analogRead(0);       // 112s
          delayMicroseconds(88);             //

    case 4: {                                // 2 ms
        timeExec = 16 + 50;                  // (ms) EEPROM
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA & 0xf8;              // 3
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA | 0x06;              // 64 (0x1=2, 0x2=4, 0x3=8, 0x4=16, 0x5=32, 0x6=64, 0x7=128)
        for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENGTH; i++) {     // 200
          waveBuff[i] = analogRead(0);       // 56s
          delayMicroseconds(24);             //

    case 5: {                                // 1 ms
        timeExec = 8 + 50;                   // (ms) EEPROM
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA & 0xf8;              // 3
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA | 0x05;              // 16 (0x1=2, 0x2=4, 0x3=8, 0x4=16, 0x5=32, 0x6=64, 0x7=128)
        for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENGTH; i++) {     // 200
          waveBuff[i] = analogRead(0);       // 28s
          delayMicroseconds(12);             //

    case 6: {                                // 500us
        timeExec = 4 + 50;                   // (ms) EEPROM
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA & 0xf8;              // 3
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA | 0x04;              // 16(0x1=2, 0x2=4, 0x3=8, 0x4=16, 0x5=32, 0x6=64, 0x7=128)
        for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENGTH; i++) {     // 200
          waveBuff[i] = analogRead(0);       // 16s
          delayMicroseconds(4);              //
          // 1.875snop 110.0625s @16MHz)
          asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop");
          asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop");

    case 7: {                                // 200us
        timeExec = 2 + 50;                   // (ms) EEPROM
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA & 0xf8;              // 3
        ADCSRA = ADCSRA | 0x02;              // :4(0x1=2, 0x2=4, 0x3=8, 0x4=16, 0x5=32, 0x6=64, 0x7=128)
        for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENGTH; i++) {
          waveBuff[i] = analogRead(0);       // 6s
          // 1.875snop 110.0625s @16MHz)
          asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop");
          asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop");
          asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop");

void dataAnalize() {                   //
  int d;
  long sum = 0;

  dataMin = 1023;                         //
  dataMax = 0;                            //
  for (int i = 0; i < REC_LENGTH; i++) {  //
    d = waveBuff[i];
    sum = sum + d;
    if (d < dataMin) {                    //
      dataMin = d;
    if (d > dataMax) {                    //
      dataMax = d;

  dataAve = (sum + 10) / 20;               // 10

  // max,min
  if (vRange <= 1) {                       // Auto1
    rangeMin = dataMin - 20;               // -20
    rangeMin = (rangeMin / 10) * 10;       // 10
    if (rangeMin < 0) {
      rangeMin = 0;                        // 0
    rangeMax = dataMax + 20;               // +20
    rangeMax = ((rangeMax / 10) + 1) * 10; // 10
    if (rangeMax > 1020) {
      rangeMax = 1023;                     // 10201023

    if (att10x == 1) {                            //
      rangeMaxDisp = 100 * (rangeMax * lsb50V);   // ADC
      rangeMinDisp = 100 * (rangeMin * lsb50V);   //
    } else {                                      //
      rangeMaxDisp = 100 * (rangeMax * lsb5V);
      rangeMinDisp = 100 * (rangeMin * lsb5V);
  } else {                                   //

  for (trigP = ((REC_LENGTH / 2) - 51); trigP < ((REC_LENGTH / 2) + 50); trigP++) { //
    if (trigD == 0) {                        // 0
      if ((waveBuff[trigP - 1] < (dataMax + dataMin) / 2) && (waveBuff[trigP] >= (dataMax + dataMin) / 2)) {
        break;                              //
    } else {                                // 0
      if ((waveBuff[trigP - 1] > (dataMax + dataMin) / 2) && (waveBuff[trigP] <= (dataMax + dataMin) / 2)) {
      }                                    //
  trigSync = true;
  if (trigP >= ((REC_LENGTH / 2) + 50)) {  //
    trigP = (REC_LENGTH / 2);
    trigSync = false;                      // Sin sincronismo (Unsync)

void dispHold() {                            // Congelar pantalla (Hold)
  display.fillRect(32, 12, 24, 8, BLACK);    // 4
  display.setCursor(32, 12);
  display.print(F("Hold"));                  // (Hold)
  display.display();                         //

void dispInf() {                             //
  float voltage;
  display.setCursor(2, 0);                   //
  display.print(vScale);                     //
  if (scopeP == 0) {                         //
    display.drawFastHLine(0, 7, 27, WHITE);  //
    display.drawFastVLine(0, 5, 2, WHITE);
    display.drawFastVLine(26, 5, 2, WHITE);

  display.setCursor(34, 0);                  //
  display.print(hScale);                     // Divisor escalar de tiempo(time/div)
  if (scopeP == 1) {                         //
    display.drawFastHLine(32, 7, 33, WHITE); //
    display.drawFastVLine(32, 5, 2, WHITE);
    display.drawFastVLine(64, 5, 2, WHITE);

  display.setCursor(75, 0);                  //
  if (trigD == 0) {
    display.print(char(0x18));               //
  } else {
    display.print(char(0x19));               //              
  if (scopeP == 2) {      //
    display.drawFastHLine(71, 7, 13, WHITE); //
    display.drawFastVLine(71, 5, 2, WHITE);
    display.drawFastVLine(83, 5, 2, WHITE);

  if (att10x == 1) {                         // 10
    voltage = dataAve * lsb50V / 10.0;       // 50V
  } else {
    voltage = dataAve * lsb5V / 10.0;        // 5V
  dtostrf(voltage, 4, 2, chrBuff);           // x.xx
  display.setCursor(98, 0);                  //
  display.print(chrBuff);                    //
  //  display.print(saveTimer);                  //

  voltage = rangeMaxDisp / 100.0;            // Max
  if (vRange == 1 || vRange > 4) {           // 5VAuto5V
    dtostrf(voltage, 4, 2, chrBuff);         //  *.**
  } else {                                   //
    dtostrf(voltage, 4, 1, chrBuff);         // **.*
  display.setCursor(0, 9);
  display.print(chrBuff);                    // Max

  voltage = (rangeMaxDisp + rangeMinDisp) / 200.0; //
  if (vRange == 1 || vRange > 4) {           // 5VAuto5V
    dtostrf(voltage, 4, 2, chrBuff);         // 2
  } else {                                   //
    dtostrf(voltage, 4, 1, chrBuff);         // 1
  display.setCursor(0, 33);
  display.print(chrBuff);                    //

  voltage = rangeMinDisp / 100.0;            // Min
  if (vRange == 1 || vRange > 4) {           // 5VAuto5V
    dtostrf(voltage, 4, 2, chrBuff);         // 2
  } else {
    dtostrf(voltage, 4, 1, chrBuff);         // 1
  display.setCursor(0, 57);
  display.print(chrBuff);                    // Min

  if (trigSync == false) {                   //
    display.setCursor(60, 55);               //
    display.print(F("Unsync"));              // Unsync

void plotData() {                    //
  long y1, y2;
  for (int x = 0; x <= 98; x++) {
    y1 = map(waveBuff[x + trigP - 50], rangeMin, rangeMax, 63, 9); //
    y1 = constrain(y1, 9, 63);                                     //
    y2 = map(waveBuff[x + trigP - 49], rangeMin, rangeMax, 63, 9); //
    y2 = constrain(y2, 9, 63);                                     //
    display.drawLine(x + 27, y1, x + 28, y2, WHITE);               //

void saveEEPROM() {                    // EEPROM
  if (paraChanged == true) {           //
    saveTimer = saveTimer - timeExec;  //
    if (saveTimer < 0) {               //
      paraChanged = false;             //
      EEPROM.write(0, vRange);        //
      EEPROM.write(1, hRange);
      EEPROM.write(2, trigD);
      EEPROM.write(3, scopeP);

void loadEEPROM() {                // EEPROM
  int x;
  x =;             // vRange
  if ((x < 0) || (x > 9)) {        // 0-9
    x = 3;                         //
  vRange = x;

  x =;             // hRange
  if ((x < 0) || (x > 7)) {        // 0-9
    x = 3;                         //
  hRange = x;
  x =;             // trigD
  if ((x < 0) || (x > 1)) {        // 0-9
    x = 1;                         //
  trigD = x;
  x =;             // scopeP
  if ((x < 0) || (x > 2)) {        // 0-9
    x = 1;                         //
  scopeP = x;

void pin2IRQ() {                   // Pin2(int0)

  int x;                           //
  x = PINB;                        // B

  if ( (x & 0x07) != 0x07) {       // 3High
    saveTimer = 5000;              // EEPROM(ms
    paraChanged = true;            // ON

  if ((x & 0x01) == 0) {
    if (scopeP > 2) {
      scopeP = 0;

  if ((x & 0x02) == 0) {           // UP
    if (scopeP == 0) {             //
      if (vRange > 9) {
        vRange = 9;
    if (scopeP == 1) {             //
      if (hRange > 7) {
        hRange = 7;
    if (scopeP == 2) {             //
      trigD = 0;                   //

  if ((x & 0x04) == 0) {           // DOWN
    if (scopeP == 0) {             //
      if (vRange < 0) {
        vRange = 0;
    if (scopeP == 1) {             //
      if (hRange < 0) {
        hRange = 0;
    if (scopeP == 2) {             //
      trigD = 1;                   //

  if ((x & 0x08) == 0) {           // HOLD
    hold = ! hold;                 //


void startScreen() {                 //
  display.setTextSize(1);            // 2
  display.setTextColor(WHITE);       //
  display.setCursor(5, 4);         //(10, 25);
  display.println(F("Voltimetro-Ind-OSC"));   //
  display.drawFastHLine(3, 2, 120, WHITE);
  display.drawFastHLine(3, 12, 120, WHITE);
  display.drawFastHLine(3, 62, 120, WHITE);
  display.drawFastVLine(3, 3, 60, WHITE);
  display.drawFastVLine(123, 3, 60, WHITE);
  display.setCursor(5, 20);         //
  display.println(F("Desing by:"));
  display.setCursor(5, 29);         //
  display.println(F("Torres Alejandro M."));

  display.setTextSize(2);            // 2
  display.setTextColor(WHITE);       //
  display.setCursor(5, 46);         //
  display.println(F("  BETA V1  "));
  display.display();                 //
  display.setTextSize(1);            //

  • displayOLED_I2c.png
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