Hola muy buenas a todos, escribo ya que estoy intentando modificar el código de ejemplo de obtención de datos en streaming del picoscope 4226 en matlab, y tengo el siguiente código:
Ahora no se como modificar esa función para poder hacer que funcione, si alguien tiene alguna idea es muy bien venida, muchas gracias a todos.
%% PicoScope 4000 Series Instrument Driver Oscilloscope Streaming Data Capture Example
% This is an example of an instrument control session using a device
% object. The instrument control session comprises all the steps you are
% likely to take when communicating with your instrument.
% These steps are:
% # Create a device object
% # Connect to the instrument
% # Configure properties
% # Invoke functions
% # Disconnect from the instrument
% To run the instrument control session, type the name of the file,
% PS4000_ID_Streaming_Example, at the MATLAB command prompt.
% The file, PS4000_ID_STREAMING_EXAMPLE.M must be on your MATLAB PATH. For
% additional information on setting your MATLAB PATH, type 'help addpath'
% at the MATLAB command prompt.
% Example:
% PS4000_ID_Streaming_Example;
% Description:
% Demonstrates how to set properties and call functions in order
% to capture data in streaming mode from a PicoScope 4000 Series
% Oscilloscope.
% Note: Not all device and group object functions used in this example
% are compatible with the Test and Measurement Tool.
% See also: <matlab:doc('icdevice') |icdevice|> | <matlab:doc('instrument/invoke') |invoke|>
% Copyright: © 2015-2017 Pico Technology Ltd. See LICENSE file for terms.
%% Suggested Input Test Signals
% This example was published using the following test signals:
% * Channel A: 3 Vpp, 1 Hz sine wave
% * Channel B: 2 Vpp, 4 Hz square wave
%% Clear Command Window and Close any Figures
close all;
%% Load Configuration Information
%% Parameter Definitions
% Define any parameters that might be required throughout the script.
channelA = ps4000Enuminfo.enPS4000Channel.PS4000_CHANNEL_A;
channelB = ps4000Enuminfo.enPS4000Channel.PS4000_CHANNEL_B;
%% Device Connection
% Check if an Instrument session using the device object |ps4000DeviceObj|
% is still open, and if so, disconnect if the User chooses 'Yes' when prompted.
if (exist('ps4000DeviceObj', 'var') && ps4000DeviceObj.isvalid && strcmp(ps4000DeviceObj.status, 'open'))
openDevice = questionDialog(['Device object ps4000DeviceObj has an open connection. ' ...
'Do you wish to close the connection and continue?'], ...
'Device Object Connection Open');
if (openDevice == PicoConstants.TRUE)
% Close connection to device
% Exit script if User selects 'No'
% Create device - specify serial number if required
% Specify serial number as 2nd argument if required.
ps4000DeviceObj = icdevice('picotech_ps4000_generic', '');
% Connect device
%% Display Unit Information From Shared Library
[infoStatus, unitInfo] = invoke(ps4000DeviceObj, 'getUnitInfo');
%% Channel Setup
% All channels are enabled by default - switch off all except Channels A and B.
numChannels = get(ps4000DeviceObj, 'channelCount');
% Channel A
channelSettings(1).enabled = PicoConstants.TRUE;
channelSettings(1).coupling = 1;
channelSettings(1).range = ps4000Enuminfo.enPS4000Range.PS4000_20V; %limite de voltaje del canal
channelARangeMv = PicoConstants.SCOPE_INPUT_RANGES(channelSettings(1).range + 1);
% Channel B
channelSettings(2).enabled = PicoConstants.TRUE;
channelSettings(2).coupling = 1;
channelSettings(2).range = ps4000Enuminfo.enPS4000Range.PS4000_2V;
channelBRangeMv = PicoConstants.SCOPE_INPUT_RANGES(channelSettings(2).range + 1);
if (numChannels == PicoConstants.QUAD_SCOPE)
% Channel C
channelSettings(3).enabled = PicoConstants.FALSE;
channelSettings(3).coupling = 1;
channelSettings(3).range = ps4000Enuminfo.enPS4000Range.PS4000_2V;
% Channel D
channelSettings(4).enabled = PicoConstants.FALSE;
channelSettings(4).coupling = 1;
channelSettings(4).range = ps4000Enuminfo.enPS4000Range.PS4000_2V;
% Keep the status values returned from the driver.
for ch = 1:numChannels
status.setChannelStatus(ch) = invoke(ps4000DeviceObj, 'ps4000SetChannel', ...
(ch - 1), channelSettings(ch).enabled, ...
channelSettings(ch).coupling, channelSettings(ch).range);
% Obtain the maximum ADC Count from the driver
maxADCCount = double(get(ps4000DeviceObj, 'maxADCValue'));
%% Trigger Setup
% Turn off trigger
% If a trigger is set and the |autoStop| property of the Instrument
% Driver's Streaming group object is set to '1', the device will stop
% collecting data once the number of post trigger samples have been
% collected.
% Trigger properties and functions are located in the Instrument
% Driver's Trigger group.
triggerGroupObj = get(ps4000DeviceObj, 'Trigger');
triggerGroupObj = triggerGroupObj(1);
[status.setTriggerOff] = invoke(triggerGroupObj, 'setTriggerOff');
%% Set Data Buffers
% Data buffers for channels A and B - buffers should be set with the driver,
% and these MUST be passed with application buffers to the wrapper driver
% in order to ensure data is correctly copied.
overviewBufferSize = 250000; % Size of the buffer to collect data from buffer.
segmentIndex = 0;
ratioMode = ps4000Enuminfo.enRatioMode.RATIO_MODE_NONE;
% Buffers to be passed to the driver
pDriverBufferChA = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1));
pDriverBufferChB = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1));
status.setDataBufferChA = invoke(ps4000DeviceObj, 'ps4000SetDataBufferWithMode', ...
channelA, pDriverBufferChA, overviewBufferSize, segmentIndex, ratioMode);
status.setDataBufferChB = invoke(ps4000DeviceObj, 'ps4000SetDataBufferWithMode', ...
channelB, pDriverBufferChB, overviewBufferSize, segmentIndex, ratioMode);
% Application Buffers - these are for copying from the driver into temporarily.
pAppBufferChA = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1));
pAppBufferChB = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1));
% Streaming properties and functions are located in the Instrument
% Driver's Streaming group.
streamingGroupObj = get(ps4000DeviceObj, 'Streaming');
streamingGroupObj = streamingGroupObj(1);
% Register application buffer and driver buffers (with the wrapper).
status.setAppAndDriverBuffersA = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'setAppAndDriverBuffers', channelA, ...
pAppBufferChA, pDriverBufferChA, overviewBufferSize);
status.setAppAndDriverBuffersB = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'setAppAndDriverBuffers', channelB, ...
pAppBufferChB, pDriverBufferChB, overviewBufferSize);
%% Start Streaming and Collect Data
% Use default value for streaming interval which is 1e-6 for 1 MS/s
% Collect data for 1 second with auto stop - maximum array size will depend
% on the PC's resources - type <matlab:doc('memory') |memory|> at the MATLAB command prompt for further
% information.
% To change the sample interval e.g 5 us for 200 kS/s. The call to
% |ps4000RunStreaming()| will output the actual sampling interval used by the
% driver.
%set(streamingGroupObj, 'streamingInterval', 5e-6);
% For 10 MS/s, specify 100 ns
%set(streamingGroupObj, 'streamingInterval', 100e-9);
% Set the number of pre- and post-trigger samples
% If no trigger is set the library will still store the
% |numPreTriggerSamples| + |numPostTriggerSamples|.
set(ps4000DeviceObj, 'numPreTriggerSamples', 0);
set(ps4000DeviceObj, 'numPostTriggerSamples', 10000000); %Tiempo durante el que trabaja el streaming en us
% autoStop parameter can be set to false (0)
%set(streamingGroupObj, 'autoStop', PicoConstants.FALSE);
% Set other streaming parameters
downSampleRatio = 1;
% Defined buffers to store data collected from the channels. If capturing
% data without using the autoStop flag, or if using a trigger with the
% autoStop flag, allocate sufficient space (1.5 times the sum of the number of
% pre-trigger and post-trigger samples is shown below) to allow for
% additional pre-trigger data. Pre-allocating the array is more efficient
% than using <matlab:doc('vertcat') |vertcat|> to combine data.
maxSamples = get(ps4000DeviceObj, 'numPreTriggerSamples') + ...
get(ps4000DeviceObj, 'numPostTriggerSamples');
% Take into account the downSampleRatioMode - required if collecting data
% without a trigger and using the autoStop flag.
% finalBufferLength = round(1.5 * maxSamples / downSampleRatio);
pBufferChAFinal = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(maxSamples, 1, 'int16'));
pBufferChBFinal = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(maxSamples, 1, 'int16'));
% Prompt User to indicate if they wish to plot live streaming data.
plotLiveData = questionDialog('Plot live streaming data?', 'Streaming Data Plot');
if (plotLiveData == PicoConstants.TRUE)
disp('Live streaming data collection with second plot on completion.');
disp('Streaming data plot on completion.');
[status.runStreaming, actualSampleInterval, sampleIntervalTimeUnitsStr] = ...
invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'ps4000RunStreaming', downSampleRatio, overviewBufferSize);
disp('Streaming data...');
fprintf('Click the STOP button to stop capture or wait for auto stop if enabled.\n\n')
% Variables to be used when collecting the data:
hasAutoStopped = PicoConstants.FALSE;
newSamples = 0; % Number of new samples returned from the driver.
previousTotal = 0; % The previous total number of samples.
totalSamples = 0; % Total samples captured by the device.
startIndex = 0; % Start index of data in the buffer returned.
hasTriggered = 0; % To indicate if trigger has occurred.
triggeredAtIndex = 0; % The index in the overall buffer where the trigger occurred.
time = zeros(overviewBufferSize / downSampleRatio, 1); % Array to hold time values
status.getStreamingLatestValues = PicoStatus.PICO_OK; % OK
% Display a 'Stop' button.
[stopFig.h, stopFig.h] = stopButton();
flag = 1; % Use flag variable to indicate if stop button has been clicked (0)
setappdata(gcf, 'run', flag);
% Plot Properties - these are for displaying data as it is collected.
if (plotLiveData == PicoConstants.TRUE)
% Plot on a single figure
figure1 = figure('Name','PicoScope 4000 Series Example - Streaming Mode Capture', ...
axes1 = axes('Parent', figure1);
% Estimate x-axis limit to try and avoid using too much CPU resources
% when drawing - use max voltage range selected if plotting multiple
% channels on the same graph.
xlim(axes1, [0 (actualSampleInterval * maxSamples)]);
yRange = max(channelARangeMv, channelBRangeMv);
ylim(axes1,[(-1 * yRange) yRange]);
grid(axes1, 'on');
title(axes1, 'Live Streaming Data Capture');
if (strcmp(sampleIntervalTimeUnitsStr, 'us'))
xLabelStr = 'Time (\mus)';
xLabelStr = strcat('Time (', sampleIntervalTimeUnitsStr, ')');
xlabel(axes1, xLabelStr);
xlabel(axes1, xLabelStr);
ylabel(axes1, 'Voltage (mV)');
% Get data values as long as autoStop flag is not set (check for STOP button push inside loop)
while (hasAutoStopped == PicoConstants.FALSE && status.getStreamingLatestValues == PicoStatus.PICO_OK)
ready = PicoConstants.FALSE;
while (ready == PicoConstants.FALSE)
status.getStreamingLatestValues = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'getStreamingLatestValues');
ready = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'isReady');
% Give option to abort from here
flag = getappdata(gcf, 'run');
if (flag == 0)
disp('STOP button clicked - aborting data collection.')
% Check for data
[newSamples, startIndex] = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'availableData');
if (newSamples > 0)
% Check if the scope has triggered
[triggered, triggeredAt] = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'isTriggerReady');
if (triggered == PicoConstants.TRUE)
% Adjust trigger position as MATLAB does not use zero-based
% indexing
bufferTriggerPosition = triggeredAt + 1;
fprintf('Triggered - index in buffer: %d\n', bufferTriggerPosition);
hasTriggered = triggered;
% Adjust by 1 due to driver using zero indexing
triggeredAtIndex = totalSamples + bufferTriggerPosition;
previousTotal = totalSamples;
totalSamples = totalSamples + newSamples;
% Printing to console can slow down acquisition - use for demonstration
fprintf('Collected %d samples, startIndex: %d total: %d.\n', newSamples, startIndex, totalSamples);
% Position indices of data in buffer
firstValuePosn = startIndex + 1;
lastValuePosn = startIndex + newSamples;
% Convert data values to millivolts from the application buffers
bufferChAmV = adc2mv(pAppBufferChA.Value(firstValuePosn:lastValuePosn), channelARangeMv, maxADCCount);
bufferChBmV = adc2mv(pAppBufferChB.Value(firstValuePosn:lastValuePosn), channelBRangeMv, maxADCCount);
% Process collected data further if required - this example plots
% the data if the User has selected 'Yes' at the prompt.
% Copy data into the final buffer(s)
pBufferChAFinal.Value(previousTotal + 1:totalSamples) = bufferChAmV;
pBufferChBFinal.Value(previousTotal + 1:totalSamples) = bufferChBmV;
if (plotLiveData == PicoConstants.TRUE)
% Time axis
% Multiply by ratio mode as samples get reduced.
time = (double(actualSampleInterval) * double(downSampleRatio)) * (previousTotaltotalSamples - 1));
plot(time, bufferChAmV);
% Clear variables for use again
clear bufferChAMV;
clear firstValuePosn;
clear lastValuePosn;
clear startIndex;
clear triggered;
clear triggerAt;
% Check if auto stop has occurred
hasAutoStopped = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'autoStopped');
if (hasAutoStopped == PicoConstants.TRUE)
disp('AutoStop: TRUE - exiting loop.');
% Check if 'STOP' button pressed
flag = getappdata(gcf, 'run');
if (flag == 0)
disp('STOP button clicked - aborting data collection.')
% Close the STOP button window
if (exist('stopFig', 'var'))
close('Stop Button');
clear stopFig;
if (plotLiveData == PicoConstants.TRUE)
% Take hold off the current figure.
hold(axes1, 'off');
movegui(figure1, 'west');
if (hasTriggered == PicoConstants.TRUE)
fprintf('Triggered at overall index: %d\n', triggeredAtIndex);
%% Stop the Device
% This function should be called regardless of whether auto stop is enabled
% or not.
status.stop = invoke(ps4000DeviceObj, 'ps4000Stop');
%% Find the Number of Samples.
% This is the number of samples held in the driver itself. The actual
% number of samples collected when using a trigger is likely to be greater.
[status.noOfStreamingValues, numStreamingValues] = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'ps4000NoOfStreamingValues');
fprintf('Number of samples available from the driver: %u.\n\n', numStreamingValues);
%% Process Data
% Process data post-capture if required - here the data will be plotted in
% a new figure.
% Reduce size of arrays if required
if (totalSamples < maxSamples)
pBufferChAFinal.Value(totalSamples + 1:end) = [];
pBufferChBFinal.Value(totalSamples + 1:end) = [];
% Retrieve data for the channels.
channelAFinal = pBufferChAFinal.Value();
channelBFinal = pBufferChBFinal.Value();
% Plot total data collected on another figure.
finalFigure = figure('Name','PicoScope 4000 Series Example - Streaming Mode Capture', ...
finalFigureAxes = axes('Parent', finalFigure);
movegui(finalFigure, 'east');
hold(finalFigureAxes, 'on');
title(finalFigureAxes, 'Streaming Data Acquisition (Final)');
if (strcmp(sampleIntervalTimeUnitsStr, 'us'))
xlabel(finalFigureAxes, 'Time (\mus)');
xLabelStr = strcat('Time (', sampleIntervalTimeUnitsStr, ')');
xlabel(finalFigureAxes, xLabelStr);
ylabel(finalFigureAxes, 'Voltage (mV)');
% Find the maximum voltage range
maxYRange = max(channelARangeMv, channelBRangeMv);
ylim(finalFigureAxes,[(-1 * maxYRange) maxYRange]);
% Calculate values for time axis, then plot.
timeAxisValues = (double(actualSampleInterval) * double(downSampleRatio)) * (0:length(channelAFinal) - 1);
plot(finalFigureAxes, timeAxisValues, channelAFinal);
grid(finalFigureAxes, 'on');
legend(finalFigureAxes, 'Channel A', 'Channel B');
hold(finalFigureAxes, 'off');
%% Avisos de error
% Implementa la condición de error
errorValue = 5000; % Valor que activa la condición de error
errorTimeStart = 4000000; % Segundo inicial (us)
errorTimeEnd = 6000000; % Segundo final (us)
% Encuentra índices para los segundos 4 y 6
startIndexError = find(timeAxisValues >= errorTimeStart, 1);
endIndexError = find(timeAxisValues >= errorTimeEnd, 1);
% Verifica si el valor de error está presente entre los segundos 4 y 6
if any(channelAFinal(startIndexError:endIndexError) >= errorValue)
f = msgbox("Caution! 5V or more between 4th and 6th seconds","Error","error");
%Condición para detectar picos de voltaje no deseados
if ((max(channelAFinal)>10000)||(min(channelAFinal)<-10000)) %Condición: si en el eje y se pasan los limites
f = msgbox("Caution! 10V or more","Error","error"); %Salta comunicado de error
elseif any(channelAFinal(startIndexError:endIndexError) >= errorValue) %Si se da el error anterior no devolver nada
f = msgbox("The operation has been successfully completed","Success"); %si no se detecta pico todo correcto
%% Disconnect Device
% Disconnect device object from hardware.
A este código quiero cambiarle la activación del trigger para que empiece directamente a capturar datos y hacer el plotting en streaming después de detectar cualquier flanco de subida o bajada, y he llegado a este punto:
%% PicoScope 4000 Series Instrument Driver Oscilloscope Streaming Data Capture Example
% This is an example of an instrument control session using a device
% object. The instrument control session comprises all the steps you are
% likely to take when communicating with your instrument.
% These steps are:
% # Create a device object
% # Connect to the instrument
% # Configure properties
% # Invoke functions
% # Disconnect from the instrument
% To run the instrument control session, type the name of the file,
% PS4000_ID_Streaming_Example, at the MATLAB command prompt.
% The file, PS4000_ID_STREAMING_EXAMPLE.M must be on your MATLAB PATH. For
% additional information on setting your MATLAB PATH, type 'help addpath'
% at the MATLAB command prompt.
% Example:
% PS4000_ID_Streaming_Example;
% Description:
% Demonstrates how to set properties and call functions in order
% to capture data in streaming mode from a PicoScope 4000 Series
% Oscilloscope.
% Note: Not all device and group object functions used in this example
% are compatible with the Test and Measurement Tool.
% See also: <matlab:doc('icdevice') |icdevice|> | <matlab:doc('instrument/invoke') |invoke|>
% Copyright: © 2015-2017 Pico Technology Ltd. See LICENSE file for terms.
%% Suggested Input Test Signals
% This example was published using the following test signals:
% * Channel A: 3 Vpp, 1 Hz sine wave
% * Channel B: 2 Vpp, 4 Hz square wave
%% Clear Command Window and Close any Figures
close all;
%% Load Configuration Information
%% Parameter Definitions
% Define any parameters that might be required throughout the script.
channelA = ps4000Enuminfo.enPS4000Channel.PS4000_CHANNEL_A;
channelB = ps4000Enuminfo.enPS4000Channel.PS4000_CHANNEL_B;
%% Device Connection
% Check if an Instrument session using the device object |ps4000DeviceObj|
% is still open, and if so, disconnect if the User chooses 'Yes' when prompted.
if (exist('ps4000DeviceObj', 'var') && ps4000DeviceObj.isvalid && strcmp(ps4000DeviceObj.status, 'open'))
openDevice = questionDialog(['Device object ps4000DeviceObj has an open connection. ' ...
'Do you wish to close the connection and continue?'], ...
'Device Object Connection Open');
if (openDevice == PicoConstants.TRUE)
% Close connection to device
% Exit script if User selects 'No'
% Create device - specify serial number if required
% Specify serial number as 2nd argument if required.
ps4000DeviceObj = icdevice('picotech_ps4000_generic', '');
% Connect device
%% Display Unit Information From Shared Library
[infoStatus, unitInfo] = invoke(ps4000DeviceObj, 'getUnitInfo');
%% Channel Setup
% All channels are enabled by default - switch off all except Channels A and B.
numChannels = get(ps4000DeviceObj, 'channelCount');
% Channel A
channelSettings(1).enabled = PicoConstants.TRUE;
channelSettings(1).coupling = 1;
channelSettings(1).range = ps4000Enuminfo.enPS4000Range.PS4000_20V; %limite de voltaje del canal
channelARangeMv = PicoConstants.SCOPE_INPUT_RANGES(channelSettings(1).range + 1);
% Channel B
channelSettings(2).enabled = PicoConstants.TRUE;
channelSettings(2).coupling = 1;
channelSettings(2).range = ps4000Enuminfo.enPS4000Range.PS4000_2V;
channelBRangeMv = PicoConstants.SCOPE_INPUT_RANGES(channelSettings(2).range + 1);
if (numChannels == PicoConstants.QUAD_SCOPE)
% Channel C
channelSettings(3).enabled = PicoConstants.FALSE;
channelSettings(3).coupling = 1;
channelSettings(3).range = ps4000Enuminfo.enPS4000Range.PS4000_2V;
% Channel D
channelSettings(4).enabled = PicoConstants.FALSE;
channelSettings(4).coupling = 1;
channelSettings(4).range = ps4000Enuminfo.enPS4000Range.PS4000_2V;
% Keep the status values returned from the driver.
for ch = 1:numChannels
status.setChannelStatus(ch) = invoke(ps4000DeviceObj, 'ps4000SetChannel', ...
(ch - 1), channelSettings(ch).enabled, ...
channelSettings(ch).coupling, channelSettings(ch).range);
% Obtain the maximum ADC Count from the driver
maxADCCount = double(get(ps4000DeviceObj, 'maxADCValue'));
%% Set Data Buffers
% Data buffers for channels A and B - buffers should be set with the driver,
% and these MUST be passed with application buffers to the wrapper driver
% in order to ensure data is correctly copied.
overviewBufferSize = 250000; % Size of the buffer to collect data from buffer.
segmentIndex = 0;
ratioMode = ps4000Enuminfo.enRatioMode.RATIO_MODE_NONE;
% Buffers to be passed to the driver
pDriverBufferChA = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1));
pDriverBufferChB = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1));
status.setDataBufferChA = invoke(ps4000DeviceObj, 'ps4000SetDataBufferWithMode', ...
channelA, pDriverBufferChA, overviewBufferSize, segmentIndex, ratioMode);
status.setDataBufferChB = invoke(ps4000DeviceObj, 'ps4000SetDataBufferWithMode', ...
channelB, pDriverBufferChB, overviewBufferSize, segmentIndex, ratioMode);
% Application Buffers - these are for copying from the driver into temporarily.
pAppBufferChA = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1));
pAppBufferChB = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(overviewBufferSize, 1));
% Streaming properties and functions are located in the Instrument
% Driver's Streaming group.
streamingGroupObj = get(ps4000DeviceObj, 'Streaming');
streamingGroupObj = streamingGroupObj(1);
% Register application buffer and driver buffers (with the wrapper).
status.setAppAndDriverBuffersA = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'setAppAndDriverBuffers', channelA, ...
pAppBufferChA, pDriverBufferChA, overviewBufferSize);
status.setAppAndDriverBuffersB = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'setAppAndDriverBuffers', channelB, ...
pAppBufferChB, pDriverBufferChB, overviewBufferSize);
%% Trigger Setup
% Configurar el trigger para activarse con flancos de subida o bajada en el canal deseado.
% Especificar el canal para el trigger
triggerChannel = channelA;
% Definir el nivel del trigger en mV
triggerLevel_mv = 1000;
% Definir la dirección del trigger (0 para RISING_OR_FALLING)
triggerDirection = 0;
% Configurar las condiciones del trigger en el canal especificado
[status.setTrigger, state] = ps4000SetTriggerChannelConditions(ps4000DeviceObj, ...
triggerChannel, triggerLevel_mv, triggerDirection, ...
triggerChannel, 0, triggerChannel, 0, 0);
if status.setTrigger == PicoStatus.PICO_OK
disp('Trigger set successfully.');
disp('Error setting trigger.');
%% Start the Device with Trigger
% Iniciar el dispositivo para captura con trigger.
status.runBlock = ps4000RunBlock(ps4000DeviceObj, 0);
if status.runBlock == PicoStatus.PICO_OK
disp('Device started successfully with trigger.');
disp('Error starting device with trigger.');
%% Wait for Trigger
% Esperar hasta que se active el trigger.
timeout_ms = 10000; % Esperar hasta 10 segundos para el trigger.
[status.waitTrigger] = ps4000WaitReadyTrigger(ps4000DeviceObj, timeout_ms);
if status.waitTrigger == PicoStatus.PICO_OK
disp('Trigger occurred.');
disp('Timeout waiting for trigger.');
%% Start the Device with Trigger
% Iniciar el dispositivo para captura con trigger.
status.runBlock = ps4000RunBlock(ps4000DeviceObj, 0);
if status.runBlock == PicoStatus.PICO_OK
disp('Device started successfully with trigger.');
disp('Error starting device with trigger.');
%% Wait for Trigger
% Esperar hasta que se active el trigger.
timeout_ms = 10000; % Esperar hasta 10 segundos para el trigger.
[status.waitTrigger] = ps4000WaitReadyTrigger(ps4000DeviceObj, timeout_ms);
if status.waitTrigger == PicoStatus.PICO_OK
disp('Trigger occurred.');
disp('Timeout waiting for trigger.');
%% Start Streaming and Collect Data
% Use default value for streaming interval which is 1e-6 for 1 MS/s
% Collect data for 1 second with auto stop - maximum array size will depend
% on the PC's resources - type <matlab:doc('memory') |memory|> at the MATLAB command prompt for further
% information.
% To change the sample interval e.g 5 us for 200 kS/s. The call to
% |ps4000RunStreaming()| will output the actual sampling interval used by the
% driver.
%set(streamingGroupObj, 'streamingInterval', 5e-6);
% For 10 MS/s, specify 100 ns
%set(streamingGroupObj, 'streamingInterval', 100e-9);
% Set the number of pre- and post-trigger samples
% If no trigger is set the library will still store the
% |numPreTriggerSamples| + |numPostTriggerSamples|.
set(ps4000DeviceObj, 'numPreTriggerSamples', 0);
set(ps4000DeviceObj, 'numPostTriggerSamples', 10000000); %Tiempo durante el que trabaja el streaming en us
% autoStop parameter can be set to false (0)
%set(streamingGroupObj, 'autoStop', PicoConstants.FALSE);
% Set other streaming parameters
downSampleRatio = 1;
% Defined buffers to store data collected from the channels. If capturing
% data without using the autoStop flag, or if using a trigger with the
% autoStop flag, allocate sufficient space (1.5 times the sum of the number of
% pre-trigger and post-trigger samples is shown below) to allow for
% additional pre-trigger data. Pre-allocating the array is more efficient
% than using <matlab:doc('vertcat') |vertcat|> to combine data.
maxSamples = get(ps4000DeviceObj, 'numPreTriggerSamples') + ...
get(ps4000DeviceObj, 'numPostTriggerSamples');
% Take into account the downSampleRatioMode - required if collecting data
% without a trigger and using the autoStop flag.
% finalBufferLength = round(1.5 * maxSamples / downSampleRatio);
pBufferChAFinal = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(maxSamples, 1, 'int16'));
pBufferChBFinal = libpointer('int16Ptr', zeros(maxSamples, 1, 'int16'));
% Prompt User to indicate if they wish to plot live streaming data.
plotLiveData = questionDialog('Plot live streaming data?', 'Streaming Data Plot');
if (plotLiveData == PicoConstants.TRUE)
disp('Live streaming data collection with second plot on completion.');
disp('Streaming data plot on completion.');
[status.runStreaming, actualSampleInterval, sampleIntervalTimeUnitsStr] = ...
invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'ps4000RunStreaming', downSampleRatio, overviewBufferSize);
disp('Streaming data...');
fprintf('Click the STOP button to stop capture or wait for auto stop if enabled.\n\n')
% Variables to be used when collecting the data:
hasAutoStopped = PicoConstants.FALSE;
newSamples = 0; % Number of new samples returned from the driver.
previousTotal = 0; % The previous total number of samples.
totalSamples = 0; % Total samples captured by the device.
startIndex = 0; % Start index of data in the buffer returned.
hasTriggered = 0; % To indicate if trigger has occurred.
triggeredAtIndex = 0; % The index in the overall buffer where the trigger occurred.
time = zeros(overviewBufferSize / downSampleRatio, 1); % Array to hold time values
status.getStreamingLatestValues = PicoStatus.PICO_OK; % OK
% Display a 'Stop' button.
[stopFig.h, stopFig.h] = stopButton();
flag = 1; % Use flag variable to indicate if stop button has been clicked (0)
setappdata(gcf, 'run', flag);
% Plot Properties - these are for displaying data as it is collected.
if (plotLiveData == PicoConstants.TRUE)
% Plot on a single figure
figure1 = figure('Name','PicoScope 4000 Series Example - Streaming Mode Capture', ...
axes1 = axes('Parent', figure1);
% Estimate x-axis limit to try and avoid using too much CPU resources
% when drawing - use max voltage range selected if plotting multiple
% channels on the same graph.
xlim(axes1, [0 (actualSampleInterval * maxSamples)]);
yRange = max(channelARangeMv, channelBRangeMv);
ylim(axes1,[(-1 * yRange) yRange]);
grid(axes1, 'on');
title(axes1, 'Live Streaming Data Capture');
if (strcmp(sampleIntervalTimeUnitsStr, 'us'))
xLabelStr = 'Time (\mus)';
xLabelStr = strcat('Time (', sampleIntervalTimeUnitsStr, ')');
xlabel(axes1, xLabelStr);
xlabel(axes1, xLabelStr);
ylabel(axes1, 'Voltage (mV)');
% Get data values as long as autoStop flag is not set (check for STOP button push inside loop)
while (hasAutoStopped == PicoConstants.FALSE && status.getStreamingLatestValues == PicoStatus.PICO_OK)
ready = PicoConstants.FALSE;
while (ready == PicoConstants.FALSE)
status.getStreamingLatestValues = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'getStreamingLatestValues');
ready = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'isReady');
% Give option to abort from here
flag = getappdata(gcf, 'run');
if (flag == 0)
disp('STOP button clicked - aborting data collection.')
% Check for data
[newSamples, startIndex] = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'availableData');
if (newSamples > 0)
% Check if the scope has triggered
[triggered, triggeredAt] = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'isTriggerReady');
if (triggered == PicoConstants.TRUE)
% Adjust trigger position as MATLAB does not use zero-based
% indexing
bufferTriggerPosition = triggeredAt + 1;
fprintf('Triggered - index in buffer: %d\n', bufferTriggerPosition);
hasTriggered = triggered;
% Adjust by 1 due to driver using zero indexing
triggeredAtIndex = totalSamples + bufferTriggerPosition;
previousTotal = totalSamples;
totalSamples = totalSamples + newSamples;
% Printing to console can slow down acquisition - use for demonstration
fprintf('Collected %d samples, startIndex: %d total: %d.\n', newSamples, startIndex, totalSamples);
% Position indices of data in buffer
firstValuePosn = startIndex + 1;
lastValuePosn = startIndex + newSamples;
% Convert data values to millivolts from the application buffers
bufferChAmV = adc2mv(pAppBufferChA.Value(firstValuePosn:lastValuePosn), channelARangeMv, maxADCCount);
bufferChBmV = adc2mv(pAppBufferChB.Value(firstValuePosn:lastValuePosn), channelBRangeMv, maxADCCount);
% Process collected data further if required - this example plots
% the data if the User has selected 'Yes' at the prompt.
% Copy data into the final buffer(s)
pBufferChAFinal.Value(previousTotal + 1:totalSamples) = bufferChAmV;
pBufferChBFinal.Value(previousTotal + 1:totalSamples) = bufferChBmV;
if (plotLiveData == PicoConstants.TRUE)
% Time axis
% Multiply by ratio mode as samples get reduced.
time = (double(actualSampleInterval) * double(downSampleRatio)) * (previousTotaltotalSamples - 1));
plot(time, bufferChAmV);
% Clear variables for use again
clear bufferChAMV;
clear firstValuePosn;
clear lastValuePosn;
clear startIndex;
clear triggered;
clear triggerAt;
% Check if auto stop has occurred
hasAutoStopped = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'autoStopped');
if (hasAutoStopped == PicoConstants.TRUE)
disp('AutoStop: TRUE - exiting loop.');
% Check if 'STOP' button pressed
flag = getappdata(gcf, 'run');
if (flag == 0)
disp('STOP button clicked - aborting data collection.')
% Close the STOP button window
if (exist('stopFig', 'var'))
close('Stop Button');
clear stopFig;
if (plotLiveData == PicoConstants.TRUE)
% Take hold off the current figure.
hold(axes1, 'off');
movegui(figure1, 'west');
if (hasTriggered == PicoConstants.TRUE)
fprintf('Triggered at overall index: %d\n', triggeredAtIndex);
%% Stop the Device
% This function should be called regardless of whether auto stop is enabled
% or not.
status.stop = invoke(ps4000DeviceObj, 'ps4000Stop');
%% Find the Number of Samples.
% This is the number of samples held in the driver itself. The actual
% number of samples collected when using a trigger is likely to be greater.
[status.noOfStreamingValues, numStreamingValues] = invoke(streamingGroupObj, 'ps4000NoOfStreamingValues');
fprintf('Number of samples available from the driver: %u.\n\n', numStreamingValues);
%% Process Data
% Process data post-capture if required - here the data will be plotted in
% a new figure.
% Reduce size of arrays if required
if (totalSamples < maxSamples)
pBufferChAFinal.Value(totalSamples + 1:end) = [];
pBufferChBFinal.Value(totalSamples + 1:end) = [];
% Retrieve data for the channels.
channelAFinal = pBufferChAFinal.Value();
channelBFinal = pBufferChBFinal.Value();
% Plot total data collected on another figure.
finalFigure = figure('Name','PicoScope 4000 Series Example - Streaming Mode Capture', ...
finalFigureAxes = axes('Parent', finalFigure);
movegui(finalFigure, 'east');
hold(finalFigureAxes, 'on');
title(finalFigureAxes, 'Streaming Data Acquisition (Final)');
if (strcmp(sampleIntervalTimeUnitsStr, 'us'))
xlabel(finalFigureAxes, 'Time (\mus)');
xLabelStr = strcat('Time (', sampleIntervalTimeUnitsStr, ')');
xlabel(finalFigureAxes, xLabelStr);
ylabel(finalFigureAxes, 'Voltage (mV)');
% Find the maximum voltage range
maxYRange = max(channelARangeMv, channelBRangeMv);
ylim(finalFigureAxes,[(-1 * maxYRange) maxYRange]);
% Calculate values for time axis, then plot.
timeAxisValues = (double(actualSampleInterval) * double(downSampleRatio)) * (0:length(channelAFinal) - 1);
plot(finalFigureAxes, timeAxisValues, channelAFinal);
grid(finalFigureAxes, 'on');
legend(finalFigureAxes, 'Channel A', 'Channel B');
hold(finalFigureAxes, 'off');
% Implementa la condición de error
errorValue = 5000; % Valor que activa la condición de error
errorTimeStart = 4000000; % Segundo inicial (us)
errorTimeEnd = 6000000; % Segundo final (us)
% Encuentra índices para los segundos 4 y 6
startIndexError = find(timeAxisValues >= errorTimeStart, 1);
endIndexError = find(timeAxisValues >= errorTimeEnd, 1);
% Verifica si el valor de error está presente entre los segundos 4 y 6
if any(channelAFinal(startIndexError:endIndexError) >= errorValue)
f = msgbox("Caution! 5V or more between 4th and 6th seconds","Error","error");
%Condición para detectar picos de voltaje no deseados
if ((max(channelAFinal)>10000)||(min(channelAFinal)<-10000)) %Condición: si en el eje y se pasan los limites
f = msgbox("Caution! 10V or more","Error","error"); %Salta comunicado de error
elseif any(channelAFinal(startIndexError:endIndexError) >= errorValue) %Si se da el error anterior no devolver nada
f = msgbox("The operation has been successfully completed","Success"); %si no se detecta pico todo correcto
%% Disconnect Device
% Disconnect device object from hardware.
Pero me devuelve el siguiente error y me he atascado:
Incorrect number or types of inputs or outputs for function ps4000SetTriggerChannelConditions.
Error in PS4000_ID_Streaming_Example_Trigger (line 191)
[status.setTrigger, state] = ps4000SetTriggerChannelConditions(ps4000DeviceObj, ...