
Pic24fj64gb002 con el sensor de temperatura ds18b20.

Hola a todos.

Tengo una duda. Estoy utilizando un pic24fj64gb002 con el sensor de temperatura ds18b20.

He realizado un código para leer la temperatura pero no me funciona. Al revisarlo he visto que no consigo realizar el reset de inicialización del dispositivo.

He configurado el pin RB7 como open drain (con la resistencia pull-up interna desactivada), conectando una resistencia de 4,7k, pero no hay manera de poner a "0" la salida. Cuando la línea está "libre" al 5V pero cuando la pongo a "0" sólo logro bajarla a 4,23V.

He quitado el sensor y si que se pone a "0" pero con el sensor no. He pensado que el sensor está dañado (aún que es recién comprado), por lo que he probado con otro (también nuevo) y me sucede lo mismo.

Que creen que puede ser? Los dos estarán dañados (aún siendo recién comprados)?

Adjunto códigos:


#include <p24FJ64GB002.h>

#define FCY 4000000UL
#include <libpic30.h>
#include "1wire_protocol.c"

_CONFIG1 (JTAGEN_OFF);                                  //Modulo JTAG deshabilitado (RB5-RB9 i/o digitales)
_CONFIG2 (POSCMOD_NONE & OSCIOFNC_ON & FNOSC_FRC);      //Oscil·lador primari desactivat, RA3 i/o digital, Oscil·lador FRC seleccionat,
_CONFIG3 (SOSCSEL_IO);                                  //RA4 i RB4 i/0 digitales

void main() {

    unsigned char temp_H, temp_L;
    int temp;
    float temperatura;

    AD1PCFG = 0xffff;   //Tots els ports digitals
    ODCB = 0x0000;      //Tots pins port B
    OW_OPEN_DRAIN = 1;   //Pin RB10 (dades ds18b20) en open drain
    _CN23PUE = 0;       //Pull-up inten desactivat

    _TRISB2 = 0;
    _TRISB3 = 0;
    _TRISB4 = 0;

    OW_PIN_DIRECTION = 0; // Output

    OW_WRITE_PIN = 1;
    OW_WRITE_PIN = 0;

    while (1)
        while (OW_reset_pulse()==1);    //Realitzar reset i esperar pols presència ds18b20
        OW_write_byte (0xCC);       //Saltar orde ROM
        OW_write_byte (0x44);       //Indicar a ds18b20 que realitzi conversió temperatura
        while (read_OW()==0);   //Esperar que ds18b20 acabi conversió temperatura
        while (OW_reset_pulse()==1);    //Realitzar reset i esperar pols presència ds18b20
        OW_write_byte (0xCC);       //Saltar orde ROM
        OW_write_byte (0xBE);       //Llegir dades de ds18b20
        temp_L = OW_read_byte();    //Registre baix de temperatura
        temp_H = OW_read_byte();    //Registre alt de temperatura
        while (OW_reset_pulse()==1); //Reset per aturar la lectura
        temp = temp_H << 8;
        temp = temp | temp_L;

        if (temp & 0x80)        // Temperatura negativa
            temp = ~temp + 1;
            temperatura = (((float) temp)/16)* (-1);
            temperatura = ((float) temp)/16;

        if (temperatura > 20)
            _LATB2 = 0;
            _LATB3 = 1;
            _LATB2 = 1;
            _LATB3 = 0;



//                 1-WIRE COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL                              //
// 1wire.c                                                                    //

//============================== Includes ====================================//
#include "config.h"
#include "1wire.h"
#include <p24FJ64GB002.h>
#define FCY 4000000UL
#include <libpic30.h>

//============================= Variables ====================================//

//unsigned char macro_delay;

// Function:        void drive_OW_low (void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          None
// Overview:        Configure the OW_PIN as Output and drive the OW_PIN LOW.
void drive_OW_low (void)

// Function:        void drive_OW_high (void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:            None
// Output:           None
// Overview:         Configure the OW_PIN as Output and drive the OW_PIN HIGH.

void drive_OW_high (void)
        OW_WRITE_PIN = HIGH;        

// Function:        unsigned char read_OW (void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          Return the status of OW pin.
// Overview:        Configure as Input pin and Read the status of OW_PIN
unsigned char read_OW (void)
        unsigned char read_data=0;

         if (HIGH == OW_READ_PIN)
                 read_data = SET;
                read_data = CLEAR;
        return read_data;

// Function:        unsigned char OW_reset_pulse(void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          Return the Presense Pulse from the slave.
// Overview:        Initialization sequence start with reset pulse.
//                 This code generates reset sequence as per the protocol
unsigned char OW_reset_pulse(void)

        unsigned char presence_detect;
        drive_OW_low();                          // Drive the bus low
        __delay_ms(10000);                           // delay 480 microsecond (us)

        drive_OW_high ();                        // Release the bus
        __delay_us(70);                            // delay 70 microsecond (us)

        presence_detect = read_OW();            //Sample for presence pulse from slave
        __delay_us(410);                            // delay 410 microsecond (us)

        drive_OW_high ();                       // Release the bus
        return presence_detect;

// Function:       void OW_write_bit (unsigned char write_data)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:          Write a bit to 1-wire slave device.
// Output:          None
// Overview:        This function used to transmit a single bit to slave device.

void OW_write_bit (unsigned char write_bit)
        if (write_bit)
                //writing a bit '1'
                __delay_us(6);                               // Drive the bus low
                                                       // delay 6 microsecond (us)
                drive_OW_high (); 
                __delay_us(64);                              // Release the bus
                                                      // delay 64 microsecond (us)
                //writing a bit '0'
                drive_OW_low();                            // Drive the bus low
                                                       // delay 60 microsecond (us)
                drive_OW_high ();                       // Release the bus
                                                       // delay 10 microsecond for recovery (us)

// Function:        unsigned char OW_read_bit (void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          Return the status of the OW PIN
// Overview:        This function used to read a single bit from the slave device.

unsigned char OW_read_bit (void)
        unsigned char read_data;                       //reading a bit
        drive_OW_low();                               // Drive the bus low
                                 // delay 6 microsecond (us)
        drive_OW_high ();                             // Release the bus
        __delay_us(9);                                    // delay 9 microsecond (us)

        read_data = read_OW();                        //Read the status of OW_PIN
        __delay_us(55);                                  // delay 55 microsecond (us)

return read_data;

// Function:        void OW_write_byte (unsigned char write_data)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           Send byte to 1-wire slave device
// Output:          None
// Overview:        This function used to transmit a complete byte to slave device.
void OW_write_byte (unsigned char write_data)
        unsigned char i;
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                OW_write_bit(write_data & 0x01);         //Sending LS-bit first
                write_data >>= 1;                        // shift the data byte for the next bit to send

// Function:        unsigned char OW_read_byte (void)
// PreCondition:    None
// Input:           None
// Output:          Return the read byte from slave device
// Overview:        This function used to read a complete byte from the slave device.

unsigned char OW_read_byte (void)
        unsigned char i, result=0;
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                result >>= 1;              // shift the result to get it ready for the next bit to receive
                if (OW_read_bit())
                result |= 0x80;            // if result is one, then set MS-bit
        return result;                                        

//======================== End of 1-Wire.c ===================================//


// 1wire.h                                                                    //

#ifndef _1wire_H
#define _1wire_H

//==============================  Includes  ==================================//
//#include <p18f4580.h>

//============================= Prototypes ===================================//

void drive_OW_low (void);
void drive_OW_high (void);
unsigned char read__OW (void);
void OW_write_bit (unsigned char write_data);
unsigned char OW_read_bit (void);
unsigned char OW_reset_pulse(void);
void OW_write_byte (unsigned char write_data);
unsigned char OW_read_byte (void);


//=============================  End of 1wire.h  =============================//


// Config.h                                                                    //
#include <p24FJ64GB002.h>

#ifndef _Config_H
#define _Config_H

//========================= Generic Definitions ==============================//

#define        HIGH        1
#define        LOW         0
#define        OUTPUT      0
#define        INPUT       1
#define        SET         1
#define        CLEAR       0

//======================== 1-Wire Port Pin Definition ========================//
// This Configuration is required to make any PIC MicroController
// I/O pin as Open drain to drive 1-wire.

#define OW_OPEN_DRAIN            _ODB7
#define OW_PIN_DIRECTION         _TRISB7
#define OW_WRITE_PIN             _LATB7    //fOR pic 24F LATB.RB7
#define OW_READ_PIN              _RB7


//============================= End of Config.h  =============================//

Muchas gracias