
timer con pic 16f84 5 segundo hasta 5m

Hola haber quien se anima a ayudarme quiero hacer unos timer con pic 16f84 el problema es que no se como, con los tiempos siguientes: 5 segundo hasta 5 minutos por favor necesito ayuda
gracias pero en realiadad necesito un planito para hacer el circuito si puedes mandarme uno
ya que lo e realizado en uno que tengo y solo me da un segundo el archivo que estoy usando

LIST p=16F84 ; PIC16F844 is the target processor

#include "P16F84.INC" ; Include header file

CBLOCK 0x10 ; Temporary storage

org 0 ; Start up vector.
goto setports ; Go to start up code.

org 4 ; Interrupt vector.
halt goto halt ; Sit in endless loop and do nothing.

setports clrw ; Zero in to W.
movwf PORTA ; Ensure PORTA is zero before we enable it.
movwf PORTB ; Ensure PORTB is zero before we enable it.
bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 1
clrw ; Mask for all bits as outputs.
movwf TRISB ; Set TRISB register.
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Reselect Bank 0.

initialise clrw ; Initial state.
movwf state ; Set it.

loop call getmask ; Convert state to bitmask.
movwf PORTB ; Write it to port.
incf state,W ; Increment state in to W.
andlw 0x04 ; Wrap it around.
movwf state ; Put it back in to memory.
call DELAY ; DELAY :)
goto loop1 ; And loop :)

getmask movf state,W ; Get state in to W.
addwf PCL,F ; Add offset in W to PCL to calc. goto.
retlw 0xfe ; state==0 is Green and Red.


loop1 call getmask1 ; Convert state to bitmask.
movwf PORTB ; Write it to port.
incf state,W ; Increment state in to W.
andlw 0x04 ; Wrap it around.
movwf state ; Put it back in to memory.
call DELAY ; DELAY :)
goto loop2 ; And loop :)

getmask1 movf state,W ; Get state in to W.
addwf PCL,F ; Add offset in W to PCL to calc. goto.
retlw 0xfd ; state==0 is Green and Red.


loop2 call getmask2 ; Convert state to bitmask.
movwf PORTB ; Write it to port.
incf state,W ; Increment state in to W.
andlw 0x04 ; Wrap it around.
movwf state ; Put it back in to memory.
call DELAY ; DELAY :)
goto loop3 ; And loop :)

getmask2 movf state,W ; Get state in to W.
addwf PCL,F ; Add offset in W to PCL to calc. goto.
retlw 0xfb ; state==0 is Green and Red.

loop3 call getmask3 ; Convert state to bitmask.
movwf PORTB ; Write it to port.
incf state,W ; Increment state in to W.
andlw 0x04 ; Wrap it around.
movwf state ; Put it back in to memory.
call DELAY ; DELAY :)
goto loop4 ; And loop :)

getmask3 movf state,W ; Get state in to W.
addwf PCL,F ; Add offset in W to PCL to calc. goto.
retlw 0xf7 ; state==0 is Green and Red.


loop4 call getmask4 ; Convert state to bitmask.
movwf PORTB ; Write it to port.
incf state,W ; Increment state in to W.
andlw 0x04 ; Wrap it around.
movwf state ; Put it back in to memory.
call DELAY ; DELAY :)
goto loop5 ; And loop :)

getmask4 movf state,W ; Get state in to W.
addwf PCL,F ; Add offset in W to PCL to calc. goto.
retlw 0xef ; state==0 is Green and Red.


loop5 call getmask5 ; Convert state to bitmask.
movwf PORTB ; Write it to port.
incf state,W ; Increment state in to W.
andlw 0x04 ; Wrap it around.
movwf state ; Put it back in to memory.
call DELAY ; DELAY :)
goto loop6 ; And loop :)

getmask5 movf state,W ; Get state in to W.
addwf PCL,F ; Add offset in W to PCL to calc. goto.
retlw 0xdf ; state==0 is Green and Red.


loop6 call getmask6 ; Convert state to bitmask.
movwf PORTB ; Write it to port.
incf state,W ; Increment state in to W.
andlw 0x04 ; Wrap it around.
movwf state ; Put it back in to memory.
call DELAY ; DELAY :)
goto loop7 ; And loop :)

getmask6 movf state,W ; Get state in to W.
addwf PCL,F ; Add offset in W to PCL to calc. goto.
retlw 0xbf ; state==0 is Green and Red.


loop7 call getmask7 ; Convert state to bitmask.
movwf PORTB ; Write it to port.
incf state,W ; Increment state in to W.
andlw 0x04 ; Wrap it around.
movwf state ; Put it back in to memory.
call DELAY ; DELAY :)
goto loop ; And loop :)

getmask7 movf state,W ; Get state in to W.
addwf PCL,F ; Add offset in W to PCL to calc. goto.
retlw 0x7f ; state==0 is Green and Red.

; De aqui para abajo este es un tiempo.
wait1 movlw 999
movwf l1

w1 call wait2
decfsz l1
goto w1


wait2 clrf l2
w2 decfsz l2
goto w2

VAR1 EQU 0CH ;Variables para
VAR2 EQU 0DH ;nuestra rutina de Retardo
VAR3 EQU 0EH ;nuestra rutina de Retardo

i EQU 0FH ;Variable de los cambios del semaforo

DELAY MOVLW 20H ;Rutina de Ratardo












pero solo es un secuenciador quiero variarles los tiempos
otra cosa en el MPLAB se simulan bien pero en el circuito practico no por favor si puedes ayudarme
Puedes hacerlo con retardos incluyendolos en una libreria dentro de tu programa y para controlarlos puedes hacerlo con un control binario apartando una seccion de entradas. para la simulacion puedes hacerlo con el proteus este funciona muy bien espero te sirva mi ayuda