1. XT Crystal/Resonator
2. XTPLL Crystal/Resonator with PLL enabled
3. HS High-Speed Crystal/Resonator
4. HSPLL High-Speed Crystal/Resonator
with PLL enabled
5. EC External Clock with FOSC/4 output
6. ECIO External Clock with I/O on RA6
7. ECPLL External Clock with PLL enabled
and FOSC/4 output on RA6
8. ECPIO External Clock with PLL enabled,
I/O on RA6
9. INTHS Internal Oscillator used as
microcontroller clock source, HS
Oscillator used as USB clock source
10. INTXT Internal Oscillator used as
microcontroller clock source, XT
Oscillator used as USB clock source
11. INTIO Internal Oscillator used as
microcontroller clock source, EC
Oscillator used as USB clock source,
digital I/O on RA6
12. INTCKO Internal Oscillator used as
microcontroller clock source, EC
Oscillator used as USB clock source,
FOSC/4 output on RA6