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Programa DMX para Arduino, no compila.

Este programa lo bajé de la página que aquí aparece y aparentemente está completo.
Tengo algunos equipos de DMX que quiero poner a funcionar.

Ya tengo la interfaz de comunicación con integrados MAX485, uno de entrada y otro de salida.
Habilitados directos o puedo usarlos como vienen en el programa, no hay problema.
Aclaro que llevo 2 meses clavado en tener un programa DMX que funcione.

Les incluyo el código para Arduino y al final los errores.
Son pocos errores. ¿Quién le echa un vistazo? ¿Qué me falta?
// put your setup code here, to run once:
* DMX-512 Reception                                        *
* Developed by Max Pierson                                 *
* Version Rev15 9 Oct 2010                                 *
* Released under the WTFPL license, although I would       *
* appreciate Attribution and Share-Alike                   *
* See for the latest version. *

/******************************* Addressing variable declarations *****************************/

#include <EEPROM.h>
//the number of channels we want to receive (8 by default).

#define SWITCH_PIN_0 11 //the pin number of our "0" switch
#define SWITCH_PIN_1 12 //the pin number of our "1" switch
unsigned int dmxaddress = 1;
/* The dmx address we will be listening to.  The value of this will be set in the Addressing()
*  function and read from EEPROM addresses 510 and 511.

/******************************* MAX485 variable declarations *****************************/

/* receiver output enable (pin2) on the max485.
*  will be left low to set the max485 to receive data. */

/* driver output enable (pin3) on the max485.
*  will left low to disable driver output. */

#define RX_PIN 0   // serial receive pin, which takes the incoming data from the MAX485.
#define TX_PIN 1   // serial transmission pin

/******************************* DMX variable declarations ********************************/

volatile byte i = 0;              //dummy variable for dmxvalue[]
volatile byte dmxreceived = 0;    //the latest received value
volatile unsigned int dmxcurrent = 0;     //counter variable that is incremented every time we receive a value.
volatile byte dmxvalue[NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS];
/*  stores the DMX values we're interested in using--
 *  keep in mind that this is 0-indexed. */
volatile boolean dmxnewvalue = false;
/*  set to 1 when updated dmx values are received
 *  (even if they are the same values as the last time). */

/******************************* Timer2 variable declarations *****************************/

volatile byte zerocounter = 0;
/* a counter to hold the number of zeros received in sequence on the serial receive pin.
*  When we've received a minimum of 11 zeros in a row, we must be in a break.  */

void setup() {

  /******************************* Max485 configuration ***********************************/

  digitalWrite(DRIVER_OUTPUT_ENABLE, LOW);    //sets pins 3 and 4 to low to enable reciever mode on the MAX485.

  pinMode(RX_PIN, INPUT);  //sets serial pin to receive data

  /******************************* Addressing subroutine *********************************/

  pinMode(SWITCH_PIN_0, INPUT);           //sets pin for '0' switch to input
  digitalWrite(SWITCH_PIN_0, HIGH);       //turns on the internal pull-up resistor for '0' switch pin
  pinMode(SWITCH_PIN_1, INPUT);           //sets pin for '1' switch to input
  digitalWrite(SWITCH_PIN_1, HIGH);       //turns on the internal pull-up resistor for '1' switch pin

  /* Call the addressing subroutine.  Three behaviors are possible:
  *  1. Neither switch is pressed, in which case the value previously stored in EEPROM
  *  510 and 511 is recalled,
  *  2. Both switches are pressed, in which case the address is reset to 1.
  *  3. Either switch is pressed (but not both), in which case the new address may
  *  be entered by the user.
  //set this equal to a constant value if you just want to hardcode the address.
  dmxaddress = Addressing();

  /******************************* USART configuration ************************************/

  /* Each bit is 4uS long, hence 250Kbps baud rate */

  cli(); //disable interrupts while we're setting bits in registers

  bitClear(UCSR0B, RXCIE0);  //disable USART reception interrupt

  /******************************* Timer2 configuration ***********************************/

  //NOTE:  this will disable PWM on pins 3 and 11.
  bitClear(TCCR2A, COM2A1);
  bitClear(TCCR2A, COM2A0); //disable compare match output A mode
  bitClear(TCCR2A, COM2B1);
  bitClear(TCCR2A, COM2B0); //disable compare match output B mode
  bitSet(TCCR2A, WGM21);
  bitClear(TCCR2A, WGM20);  //set mode 2, CTC.  TOP will be set by OCRA.

  bitClear(TCCR2B, FOC2A);
  bitClear(TCCR2B, FOC2B);  //disable Force Output Compare A and B.
  bitClear(TCCR2B, WGM22);  //set mode 2, CTC.  TOP will be set by OCRA.
  bitClear(TCCR2B, CS22);
  bitClear(TCCR2B, CS21);
  bitSet(TCCR2B, CS20);   // no prescaler means the clock will increment every 62.5ns (assuming 16Mhz clock speed).

  OCR2A = 64;
  /* Set output compare register to 64, so that the Output Compare Interrupt will fire
  *  every 4uS.  */

  bitClear(TIMSK2, OCIE2B);  //Disable Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Match B Interrupt
  bitSet(TIMSK2, OCIE2A);    //Enable Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Match A Interrupt
  bitClear(TIMSK2, TOIE2);   //Disable Timer/Counter2 Overflow Interrupt Enable          

  sei();                     //reenable interrupts now that timer2 has been configured. 

}  //end setup()

void loop()  {
  // the processor gets parked here while the ISRs are doing their thing. 

  if (dmxnewvalue == 1) {    //when a new set of values are received, jump to action loop...
    dmxnewvalue = 0;
    dmxcurrent = 0;
    zerocounter = 0;      //and then when finished reset variables and enable timer2 interrupt
    i = 0;
    bitSet(TIMSK2, OCIE2A);    //Enable Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Match A Interrupt
} //end loop()

//Timer2 compare match interrupt vector handler
  if (bitRead(PIND, PIND0)) {  // if a one is detected, we're not in a break, reset zerocounter.
    zerocounter = 0;
  else {
    zerocounter++;             // increment zerocounter if a zero is received.
    if (zerocounter == 20)     // if 20 0's are received in a row (80uS break)
      bitClear(TIMSK2, OCIE2A);    //disable this interrupt and enable reception interrupt now that we're in a break.
      bitSet(UCSR0B, RXCIE0);
} //end Timer2 ISR

  dmxreceived = UDR0;
  /* The receive buffer (UDR0) must be read during the reception ISR, or the ISR will just
  *  execute again immediately upon exiting. */

  dmxcurrent++;                        //increment address counter

  if(dmxcurrent > dmxaddress) {         //check if the current address is the one we want.
    dmxvalue[i] = dmxreceived;
    if(i == NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS) {
      bitClear(UCSR0B, RXCIE0);
      dmxnewvalue = 1;                        //set newvalue, so that the main code can be executed.
} // end ISR
Arduino: 1.5.8 (Windows 7), Placa:"Arduino Uno"

sketch_apr09a.ino: In function 'void setup()':
sketch_apr09a.ino:81:27: error: 'Addressing' was not declared in this scope
sketch_apr09a.ino: In function 'void loop()':
sketch_apr09a.ino:125:12: error: 'action' was not declared in this scope

  This report would have more information with
  "Show verbose output during compilation"
  enabled in File > Preferences.
Saludos a todos.
Última edición por un moderador:
El error dice que el compilador no tiene ni idea qué es Addressing() y qué es action().

Creo que te falta poner un #include
Este programa lo bajé de la página que aquí aparece y aparentemente está completo.
Tengo algunos equipos de DMX que quiero poner a funcionar.

Ya tengo la interfaz de comunicación con integrados MAX485, uno de entrada y otro de salida.
Habilitados directos o puedo usarlos como vienen en el programa, no hay problema.
Aclaro que llevo 2 meses clavado en tener un programa DMX que funcione.

Les incluyo el código para Arduino y al final los errores.
Son pocos errores. ¿Quién le echa un vistazo? ¿Qué me falta?

Saludos a todos.
bueno ., viendo el programa ., y leyendo un poco tu comentario .,​
estoy confundido ., ¿¿¿¿¿ que querés hacer ????. ¿¿¿ un transmisor o un receptor dmx ????​
como decis que tenes., varios receptores y varios modulos 485​
la parte de la compilación que mostrás es para un receptor​
El error dice que el compilador no tiene ni idea qué es Addressing() y qué es action().

Creo que te falta poner un #include
amigo juaquin ., lo que le falta es la libreria con el protocolo para poder manejar la USART ., y es correcto tu supoccion de la falta de un # include​
lo que pasa que no todos se dan cuenta .,​
que en DMX al menos hay que conocer como manejar el protocolo y la deteccion por medio de la USART​