Device 16F877A
'SUSCRIBETE A MI CANAL EN YOUTUBE --->https://www.youtube.com/KORZ ES
'ORIGINAL TOPIC ---> http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=18416&page=2&highlight=matrix+serial
'VIDEO ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HugwQ4b9iBU
'DIGITAL RESITOR http://www.protonbasic.co.uk/archive/index.php/t-53777.htm
Xtal 20
'Declare NO_Clrwdt ' watchdog is cleared manually PBP a Proton+ conversion
'more info --->http://www.protonbasic.co.uk/group.php?gmid=35&do=discuss#gmessage35
Declare Watchdog = 1
Declare All_Digital = True
Declare LCD_Type 0 ' LCD alfanumerica
Declare LCD_Interface 4 ' 4 lineas de datos
Declare LCD_DTPin PORTA.0 ' lineas de datos al PORTB RB4->RB7
Declare LCD_ENPin PORTB.3 ' EN al pin RB2
Declare LCD_RSPin PORTA.4 ' RS al pin RB3
Declare LCD_Lines 2 ' LCD de cuatro lineas
Declare LCD_DataUs 50 ' LCD timing
Declare LCD_CommandUs 2000 '
DATA 142,145,145,143,129,130,140,128 '9 digit roll stored horizontal
DATA 142,145,147,149,153,145,142,128 '0
DATA 132,140,132,132,132,132,142,128 '1
DATA 142,145,129,130,132,136,159,128 '2
DATA 159,130,132,130,129,145,142,128 '3
DATA 130,134,138,146,159,130,130,128 '4
DATA 159,144,158,129,129,145,142,128 '5
DATA 134,136,144,158,145,145,142,128 '6
DATA 159,129,130,132,136,136,136,128 '7
DATA 142,145,145,142,145,145,142,128 '8
DATA 142,145,145,143,129,130,140,128 '9
DATA 142,145,147,149,153,145,142,128 '0
DATA %01110000 ' invader frame a
DATA %00011000 ' stored vertical
DATA %01111101 '
DATA %10110110 '
DATA %10111100 '
DATA %00111100 '
DATA %10111100 '
DATA %10110110 '
DATA %01111101 '
DATA %00011000 '
DATA %01110000 '
DATA %10011100 ' invader frame b
DATA %10011000 ' stored vertical
DATA %01111101 '
DATA %00110110 '
DATA %00111100 '
DATA %00111100 '
DATA %00111100 '
DATA %00110110 '
DATA %01111101 '
DATA %10011000 '
DATA %10011100 '
DATA " edit 2015" ' original LC2D V2 - (c) Brek Martin
Dim dis[51] As Byte ' monochrome display buffer 24x17
Dim rolls[8] As Byte
'How does one alias an element in a byte array?
Dim rolls0 As rolls#0 : Dim rolls1 As rolls#1
Dim rolls2 As rolls#2 : Dim rolls3 As rolls#3 '
Dim rolls4 As rolls#4 : Dim rolls5 As rolls#5 '
Dim rolls6 As rolls#6 : Dim rolls7 As rolls#7
Dim L0 As Byte ' LCD RAM index and used as counter
Dim CW As Byte : Dim CL As Byte ' multi purpose counters
Dim lind As Byte : Dim pind As Byte ' framebuffer indexing variables
Dim slug As Byte :Dim invert As Byte ' set invert 0xFF to invert display
Dim wtemp As Word '
Dim temp As wtemp.Byte0 '
Dim tempb As wtemp.Byte1 '
Dim px As Byte : Dim py As Byte ' coordinates for library routines
Dim x As Byte ' user coordinates for 2D graphics
Dim y As Byte ' these are for the user program
Dim dy As Byte ' line drawing variables can
Dim y1 As Byte ' be removed if not using lines
Dim y0 As Byte ' line drawing may break if start
Dim dx As Byte ' and end points are the same
Dim x1 As Byte ' which is not yet tested
Dim x0 As Byte ' thanks to oogabooga to for
Dim stepx As Byte ' optimisation of my code for
Dim stepy As Byte ' PBP unsigned integer bytes
Dim frac As Byte ' expand to words for bigger LCD
Dim ftick As Byte ' frame count variables can
Dim frame As Byte ' be removed if not counting
Dim dval As Byte ' value for printed variable
Dim digit As Byte ' buffer for printing sprites
Dim index As Byte ' eeprom index for sprite data
Dim dgx As Byte ' coordinates to print sprite
Dim dgy As Byte '
Dim demd As Byte ' actual digits on the screen
Dim demdl As Byte '
Dim dfc As Byte ' digit frame counter
' circle drawing variables can be removed
' if you remove the circle drawing routine
' some variables are shared with square drawing
' this circle routine is borrowed from the GLCD
' library posted by Dave on MELabs PBP forum
' do not draw circles with radius less than 3.
Dim cx As Byte ' shared with square drawing routine
Dim cy As Byte '
Dim glc_x As Byte '
Dim glc_y As Byte '
Dim glc_s As Word ' slope
Dim radius As Byte ' radius
Dim cdx As Byte ' circle demo horizontal coordinate
Dim doff As Byte ' digit odometer effect variables
Dim doffl As Byte '
Dim doffm As Byte '
Dim dcompl As Byte '
Dim dcompm As Byte '
Dim ddirl As Bit ' digit counting direction variables
Dim ddirm As Bit ' not implemented yet - out of memory
Dim xdir As Bit ' direction variables that can be
Dim ydir As Bit ' removed if not running the demo
Dim backled As Bit ' LED backlight flash status
invert = $FF ' 0xFF to invert display colours
' execution time!
CMCON = 7 ' set portb to digital
TRISB.6 = 0 'set LCD backlight output
'the demo program turns on the backlight
'turn it on here if your program does not
'portb.6 = 1'turn on LCD backlight
backled = 1 ' initially set led backlight on
ftick = 0 ' reset demo section counter
frame = 0 ' reset frame counters
x = 2 ' set intial point coordinates
y = 2 '
cdx = 11 ' set initial circle position
dfc = 0 ' reset some variables that could
doff = 0 ' break things if not initialised
dval = 0 '
demd = 0 '
demdl = 0 '
digit = 0 '
DelayMS 1200 'delayms for LCD to start
Print $FE,1 'clear LCD
cycle: ' main routine - demo user program
@ clrwdt ; clear watchdog timer manually
x = x - 1 ' move the point for the demo
If xdir = 0 Then ' the moving point controlls
x = x + 2 ' most of the demo parts
y = y - 1
If ydir = 0 Then
y = y + 2
If ftick < 4 & ftick != 1 Then ' draw the moving point
px = x+0 : py = y+0 ' draw point
GoSub setpixel
If ftick = 0 Then ' draw rest of the ball around moving point
px = x+1 : py = y+0 ' this is the first demo part
GoSub setpixel
px = x-1 : py = y+0
GoSub setpixel
px = x+0 : py = y+1
GoSub setpixel
px = x+0 : py = y-1
GoSub setpixel
If x > 21 And xdir = 0 Then ' check the screen bounds
xdir = 1 ' for the point we are moving around
If x < 1 And xdir = 1 Then
xdir = 0
If y > 15 And ydir = 0 Then
ydir = 1
If y < 1 And ydir = 1 Then
ydir = 0
If ftick = 1 Then ' draw dynamic circles
cx = x : cy = y ' this is the second demo part
radius = (y/2) + 2
GoSub drawcircle
If ftick = 2 Then ' draw dynamic lines
x0 = 0 : y0 = 0 ' which is an example of diagonal lines
x1 = x : y1 = y
GoSub drawline
x0 = x : y0 = y
x1 = 22 : y1 = 0
GoSub drawline
x0 = x : y0 = y
x1 = 22 : y1 = 16
GoSub drawline
x0 = 0 : y0 = 16
x1 = x : y1 = y
GoSub drawline
If ftick = 3 Then ' draw the crosshair effect
x0 = x : y0 = 0 ' which is an example of straight lines
x1 = x : y1 = 16
GoSub drawline
x0 = 0 : y0 = y
x1 = 22 : y1 = y
GoSub drawline
If ftick = 4 Then ' draw digits
dval = demd /10 ' which is an example of drawing sprites
demdl = demd ' where the data was stored horizontal
demdl = demdl - (dval * 10)
dgx = x-6 : dgy = y-4
GoSub printdigit
dval = demdl
dgx = x+1 : dgy = y-4
GoSub printdigit
If ftick = 5 Then ' squares
x0 = 11 : y0 = 8
radius = dfc
GoSub drawsquare
If ftick = 6 Then ' squares with strobe
radius = dfc ' coords were set in previous section
GoSub drawsquare
If ftick = 7 Then ' more squares
x0 = x : y0 = y
radius = 5
GoSub drawsquare
If ftick = 8 Then ' dynamic squares
x0 = x : y0 = y
radius = y/2
GoSub drawsquare
If ftick = 9 Then ' draw invader sprite
dgx = x-5 : dgy = y-4 ' which is an example of animated sprite
GoSub printsprite ' where the data was stored vertically
If ftick = 10 Then ' circles trick
cx = cdx : cy = 8 ' a trick to look like the entire LCD is used
radius = 7
GoSub drawcircle
cx = cdx + 24
GoSub drawcircle
cdx = cdx - 1
If ftick == 11 Or ftick == 12 Then ' dynamic circles trick with strobe
cx = cdx : cy = 8 ' a trick to look like the entire LCD is used
radius = (y/2) + 2 '
If ftick = 12 Then
cy = 15 - y
GoSub drawcircle
cx = cdx + 24
GoSub drawcircle
cdx = cdx - 1
If ftick = 13 Then ' rolling odometer effect display
dval = demd /10 ' the odometer display also moves
demdl = demd ' around the display
demdl = demdl - (dval * 10)
If dval != dcompm Then
'ddirm = 0 ' determine digit count direction
'IF dval < dcompm THEN ' odometer only works on a variable
'ddirm = 1 ' that is being incremented by one
'ENDIF ' not enough memory to reverse
dcompm = dval
doffm = 8
doff = doffm
If doffm > 0 Then
doffm = doffm - 1
dgx = x-6 : dgy = y-4
GoSub printdigit
If demdl != dcompl Then
'ddirl = 0 ' determine digit count direction
'IF demdl < dcompl THEN ' oops, ran out of memory to reverse
'ddirl = 1 ' the roll direction of movement
'ENDIF ' so this is incomplete
dcompl = demdl
doffl = 8
doff = doffl
If doffl > 0 Then
doffl = doffl - 1
dval = demdl
dgx = x+1 : dgy = y-4
GoSub printdigit
If ftick == 14 Then ' dynamic squares trick
x0 = cdx : y0 = 8 ' a trick to look like the entire LCD is used
radius = (y/2) + 2 '
GoSub drawsquare
x0 = cdx + 24
GoSub drawsquare
cdx = cdx - 1
If cdx = 242 Then ' check bounds for moving circle demos
cdx = 10 '
EndIf '
If ftick = 15 Then ' reset demo section counter
ftick = 0 ' there are currently fifteen demo parts
doff = 0
GoSub writecg ' write the frame buffer to LCD
frame = frame + 1 ' count actual frames
If frame = 150 Then '
frame = 0 '
ftick = ftick + 1 ' frame counter increments demo counter
invert = $00 ' revert to normal after first section
dfc = dfc + 1 ' increment the dynamic squares width
If dfc > 8 Then '
dfc = 0 '
demd = demd + 1 ' increment counter for display variable
EndIf '
If demd > 99 Then ' keep display variable in two digit range
demd = 0 '
EndIf '
If ftick = 4 Or ftick = 9 Or ftick = 13 Then ' variable sprite delay
DelayMS ftick*20 ' for all digit and invader sprites
EndIf ' otherwise lcd lag messes up the display
PORTB.6 = 1 ' strobe the LED backlight
If ftick = 6 Or ftick = 11 Then ' for these demo sections only
backled = backled + 1 ' alternate backlight status
PORTB.6 = backled ' set led backlight to current status
EndIf '
GoTo cycle ' end main routine - do the next frame
setpixel: ' size and performance win for V2
lind = py * 3 ' byte index for line
pind = 0
slug = px
If px > 7 Then
pind = 1
slug = px - 8
If px > 15 Then
pind = pind + 1
slug = px - 16
If lind+pind < 51 Then ' range check
temp = dis[lind+pind]
For CW = 0 To 7
If slug = CW Then
temp.7 = 1
wtemp = wtemp << 1
Next CW
dis[lind+pind] = tempb
writecg: ' size, ram and performance win for V2
L0 = $40 ' reset lines
For CL = 0 To 7 ' write first half of display
For CW = 0 To 3
rolls[CW] = (dis[0] ^ invert) >> 3
GoSub Rotate
Next CW
Print $FE,L0+$00,rolls[0]
Print $FE,L0+$08,rolls[1]
Print $FE,L0+$10,rolls[2]
Print $FE,L0+$18,rolls[3]
L0 = L0 + 1'
Next CL
For CW = 0 To 23 ' skip invisible line
GoSub RotateDisplay
Next CW
L0 = $60 ' reset lines
For CL = 0 To 7 ' write second half of display
For CW = 0 To 3
rolls[CW] = (dis[0] ^ invert) >> 3
GoSub Rotate
Next CW
Print $FE,L0+$00,rolls[0]
Print $FE,L0+$08,rolls[1]
Print $FE,L0+$10,rolls[2]
Print $FE,L0+$18,rolls[3]
L0 = L0 + 1'
Next CL
' draw to LCD
Print $FE,$80 'draw first line of display
For CL = 0 To 3
Print 0,1,2,3 '
Next CL
Print $FE,$C0 'draw second line of display
For CL = 0 To 3
Print 4,5,6,7 '
Next CL
printdigit: ' print a single digit to screen
index = dval * 8' set index position for digit
For L0 = 0 To 7
GoSub readeep
For CL = 0 To 4
If digit.4 = 1 Then
px = dgx+CL : py = dgy+L0
GoSub setpixel
digit = digit << 1
Next CL
index = index + 1
Next L0
printsprite: ' print a monochrome graphic sprite to screen
index = 88 ' set index position for sprite
If frame.3 = 1 Then ' select frame
index = index + 11
For L0 = 0 To 10
GoSub readeep
For CL = 0 To 7
If digit.0 = 1 Then
py = dgx+CL : px = dgy+L0
GoSub setpixel
digit = digit >> 1
Next CL
index = index + 1
Next L0
'READ index+8,digit ' not ever using the rolling odometer effect
digit = ERead (index-doff)+8' are using rolling odometer effect sometimes
Return ' slight performance penalty if you are
drawsquare: ' draw square to screen
cx = radius : cy = 0
While cx >= cy
px = cx + x0 : py = cy + y0
GoSub setpixel
px = cy + x0 : py = cx + y0
GoSub setpixel
px = -cx + x0 : py = cy + y0
GoSub setpixel
px = -cy + x0 : py = cx + y0
GoSub setpixel
px = -cx + x0 : py = -cy + y0
GoSub setpixel
px = -cy + x0 : py = -cx + y0
GoSub setpixel
px = cx + x0 : py = -cy + y0
GoSub setpixel
px = cy + x0 : py = -cx + y0
GoSub setpixel
cy = cy + 1
drawcircle: ' draw circle to screen
glc_x = 0
glc_y = radius
glc_s = 2-2*radius
While glc_x <= glc_y
px = glc_x+cx : py=glc_y+cy
GoSub setpixel
px = cx-glc_x : py=glc_y+cy
GoSub setpixel
px = cx+glc_x : py=cy-glc_y
GoSub setpixel
px = cx-glc_x : py=cy-glc_y
GoSub setpixel
px = glc_y+cx : py=glc_x+cy
GoSub setpixel
px = cx-glc_y : py=cy+glc_x
GoSub setpixel
px = cx+glc_y : py=cy-glc_x
GoSub setpixel
px = cx-glc_y : py=cy-glc_x
GoSub setpixel
If glc_s.15 =1 Then
glc_s = glc_s + (4*glc_x + 6)
glc_s = glc_s + (4*(glc_x-glc_y) + 10)
glc_y = glc_y - 1
glc_x = glc_x + 1
drawline: ' draw any line to screen including diagonals
stepx = 0
stepy = 0
frac = 0
'line from start point x0,y0 to destination point x1,y1.
dy = y1 - y0
dx = x1 - x0
If dy > 128 Then
dy = 0 - dy
stepy = stepy - 1
stepy = 1
If dx > 128 Then
dx = 0 - dx
stepx = stepx - 1
stepx = 1
dy = dy << 1
dx = dx << 1
'draw pixel
px = x0 : py = y0
GoSub setpixel
If dx > dy Or dx > 128 Then
frac = dy - (dx >> 1)
While x0 != x1
If frac < 128 Then
y0 = y0 + stepy
frac = frac - dx
x0 = x0 + stepx
frac = frac + dy
'draw pixel
px = x0 : py = y0
GoSub setpixel
frac = dx - (dy >> 1)
While y0 != y1
If frac < 128 Then
x0 = x0 + stepx
frac = frac - dy
y0 = y0 + stepy
frac = frac + dx
'draw pixel
px = x0 : py = y0
GoSub setpixel
Rotate: ' the only assembler routine
GoSub rota ' needed for speed
rota: ' by neglecting to carry the
GoSub RotateDisplay ' status bit, it also clears
GoSub RotateDisplay ' the buffer for the next frame
RotateDisplay: ' bitwise rotate array right
@ Rlf dis + 50 ,F ; ditching the first bit
@ Rlf dis+49 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+48 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+47 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+46 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+45 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+44 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+43 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+42 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+41 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+40 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+39 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+38 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+37 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+36 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+35 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+34 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+33 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+32 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+31 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+30 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+29 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+28 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+27 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+26 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+25 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+24 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+23 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+22 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+21 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+20 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+19 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+18 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+17 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+16 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+15 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+14 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+13 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+12 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+11 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+10 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+9 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+8 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+7 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+6 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+5 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+4 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+3 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+2 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+1 ,F ;
@ Rlf dis+0 ,F ;
@ Bcf dis+50 ,0 ;clear MSB