skabryanty dijo:MultiSIM is a great tool to simulate eletro/electronic circuits from National Instruments! Its on the 10th version. Just download it and try then you can check its features ^^ fantastic!
Well, I tested it using a oscilocospe as an antenna and trying to see the signal waveform ... but as I said, did not worked =/
So do u recommend to buy the parts and then see what happens... Ok, im gonna do that since I expect that these circuits are working coz I believe that this is a serious forum ^^
Ok man, the method you was using to have RF signals on the scope is wath is wrong.
You need a field strenght meter like circuit with the scope in the place of the meter. I suggest you find a strenght meter circuit and make one in Multisim, and of couse, communicate us of the results.
Of course you need to verify the widht band of the virtual scope of Multisin. It needs to be about 300 MHz or more.