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Una inquietud acerca de aplicacion ¿utilizar C o ASM?

Hasta donde yo se este micro se banca cristales de hasta 20MHz para meterle 48MHz hay que ponerle una señal de clock externa que no sea un cristal o sino ponerle un cristal de 4MHz dividir por 1 la frecuencia y madarlo al PLL interno, despues dividir la frecuencia del PLL por 2 y mandarla la salida del divisor al micro.

PD ya se que los fuses son muy importante a lo que me referia es que se pueden setear en el programa que se usa para compilar el micro.
Última edición:
Es verdad, lo había olvidado. Cuando logremos saber hacer lo de los fudes en ensamblador, monto el PIC18F2550 y lo pruebo físicamente y te paso por aquí fotos y vídeos en youtube.

Aquí hay ejemplos de código en asm.

list    p=18F4550
    include <>
#define LCD_E   LATE,2
#define LCD_RS  LATE,0
#define LCD_RW  LATE,1
#define LCD_BL  LATB,3
delay    equ    0
temp    equ    1
        org     0x000
        movlw    HIGH LCD_CC    ; high byte    
        movwf    TBLPTRH         ; pointer to table high order byte
        setf    ADCON1        ; all I/O digital
        bcf    TRISB, 3    ; LCD backlight control
        clrf    TRISD           ; LCD data output
        clrf    PORTE           ; LCD control
        clrf    TRISE
        clrf    LATE            ; zero output on E
        movlw   0x02        ; use internal osc
        movwf   OSCCON          ; 31.25KHz internal clock
; LCD soft reset (ignores/enables busy flag polling)
        movlw   .3              ; repeat sending 0x38 to reset LCD
        movwf    temp            ; loop counter
_init3  movlw   .131         ; 50ms delay
        movwf   delay           ; enter with delay in ms via W
        decfsz  delay
        bra     $-2        
        bsf     LCD_E           ; LCD enable bit high
        movlw   0x38            ; send 0x38 four times
        movwf   LATD            ; LCD = 0x38 (8 bit mode x 2 line)
        bcf     LCD_E           ; latches on High to Low transition
        decfsz  temp
        bra     _init3          ; repeat 3 times
        bsf     LCD_BL          ; turn on backlight
; load special charaters into LCD RAM using LCD busy flag
        movlw   b'01000000'     ; set LCD CG address to 00
        rcall   LCD_Ins         ; relative call
        clrf    temp
        movlw   LOW LCD_CC    ; pointer to custom charater table
        movwf   TBLPTRL
_nextcc tblrd*+                 ; get in-line string character
        movf    TABLAT,W        ; last character
        rcall   LCD_Chr         ; send the character into LCD RAM
        incf    temp
        btfss   temp, 6         ; 64 bytes total
        bra     _nextcc
; clear & enable LCD DRAM, no visible cursor
        movlw   0x0C            ; display on, cursor off
        rcall   LCD_Ins
; display top 16 characters
        movlw   0x01            ; clear display, home cursor
        rcall   LCD_Ins
        movlw   .16
        movwf   temp
        movlw   LOW Text_    ; low byte pointer
        movwf   TBLPTRL        ; point to first line of text
_top    tblrd*+                 ; get in-line string character
        movf    TABLAT,W        ; last character
        rcall   LCD_Chr
        decfsz  temp
        bra     _top
; display bottom 16 characters        
    movlw   0xC0        ; set cursor to second line
        rcall   LCD_Ins
        movlw   .16
        movwf   temp
_bot    tblrd*+                 ; get in-line string character
        movf    TABLAT,W        ; last character
        rcall   LCD_Chr
        decfsz  temp
        bra     _bot
        bra    $        ; endless loop done
; LCD entry routines watches busy flag
LCD_Chr bsf     LCD_RS          ; enable Charater mode
LCD_Ins bsf     LCD_E
        clrf    TRISD           ; make PORTD an output
        movwf   LATD        ; put data on LCD port
        bcf     LCD_E           ; latch byte to LCD
        bcf     LCD_RS
        setf       TRISD           ; make LCD port input
        bsf     LCD_RW          ; enter read mode
        bsf     LCD_E           ; enable LCD
_BusyFl btfsc   PORTD,7         ; wait for bit 7 to be pulled low
        bra     _BusyFl
        bcf     LCD_RW          ; return to Instruction mode
; text to display
        org    0x0800
Text_   db      "blueroom      ",.0,.1
        db      "electronics   ",.2,.3
; *** 2x2 blueroomelectronics logo (house)
LCD_CC  db      .128,.128,.129,.131,.135,.143,.159,.159
        db      .128,.128,.128,.144,.152,.156,.158,.130
        db      .159,.159,.159,.145,.145,.145,.159,.128
        db      .130,.130,.158,.130,.130,.130,.158,.128

;UNICORN LCD test, jumper on J1VEB, 8 bit mode with full handshaking
		list p=16F887
		include <>
        errorlevel      -302,-305       

#define LCD_E 	PORTE,2
#define LCD_RS 	PORTE,0
#define LCD_RW 	PORTE,1
#define LCD_BL 	PORTB,3
#define LED_N	PORTC,1

                cblock  0x20

		org 	0

		banksel	ANSEL			; select BANK 3
		clrf	ANSEL
		clrf	ANSELH
		movlw	0x80			; prepare to read FLASH
		movwf	EECON1
		bcf		STATUS,RP0		; select BANK 3 -> BANK 2
		movlw	HIGH LCD_CC
		movwf	EEADRH
		banksel	TRISB			; select BANK 1
		bcf 	TRISB,3 		; LCD backlight control
		clrf 	TRISD 			; LCD data output
		clrf 	TRISE 			; LCD control outputs
		bcf		TRISC,1
		clrf	PSTRCON
		bcf		STATUS,RP0		; select BANK 0
		clrf 	PORTE 			; LCD E, RS, RW
		bsf		LED_N

; LCD soft reset (ignores/enables busy flag polling)
		movlw 	.4 				; repeat sending 0x38 to reset LCD
		movwf 	temp 			; loop counter
init3:	       movlw 	.50 			; delay > 50 ms
		movwf 	delay 			; enter with delay in ms via W
dec01:	      call	mswait		; wait 1 ms
		decfsz 	delay 			; decrement delay and skip when zero
		goto 	dec01 			; branch backwards one instruction
		bsf 	LCD_E 			; LCD enable bit high
		movlw 	0x38 			; send 0x38 four times
		movwf 	PORTD 			; LCD = 0x38 (8 bit mode x 2 line)
		bcf 	LCD_E 			; latches on High to Low transition
		decfsz 	temp
		goto 	init3 			; repeat 3 times
		bsf 	LCD_BL 			; turn on backlight

		call	mswait

; load special charaters into LCD RAM using LCD busy flag
		movlw 	b'01000000' 	; set LCD CG address to 00
		call 	LCD_Ins 		; relative call
		clrf 	temp
		movlw 	LOW LCD_CC 		; pointer to custom character table
		bsf		STATUS,RP1		; BANK0 -> BANK2
		movwf 	EEADR
nextcc:	      call	rdflash
		call 	LCD_Chr 		; send the character into LCD RAM
		incf 	temp
		btfss 	temp, 6 		; 64 bytes total
		goto 	nextcc

; clear & enable LCD DRAM, no visible cursor
		movlw 	0x0C 			; display on, cursor off
		call 	LCD_Ins

; display top 16 characters
		movlw 	0x01 			; clear display, home cursor
		call 	LCD_Ins
		movlw 	.16
		movwf 	temp
		bsf		STATUS,RP1		; BANK0 -> BANK2
		movlw 	LOW Text_ 		; low byte pointer
		movwf 	EEADR
top: 	        call	rdflash
		call 	LCD_Chr
		decfsz 	temp
		goto	top

; display bottom 16 characters
		movlw 	0xC0 			; set cursor to second line
		call 	LCD_Ins 		; LCD instruction mode
		movlw 	.16
		movwf 	temp
bottom:	      call	rdflash		
		call 	LCD_Chr 		; LCD character mode
		decfsz 	temp
		goto 	bottom
		bcf		LED_N
		goto 	$ 					; endless loop done

; wait approx 1 ms
mswait	        movlw	4
		movwf	msdelay+1
msd		movlw	.250
		movwf	msdelay
msdl	        nop
		decfsz	msdelay
		goto	msdl
		decfsz	msdelay+1
		goto	msd

; read one byte from program flash, increment EEADDR
rdflash:        bsf	      STATUS,RP0		; BANK3
		bsf		STATUS,RP1		; BANK3
		bsf		EECON1,RD		; 2 NOPs MUST (!) follow after reading program FLASH
		bcf		STATUS,RP0		; BANK3 -> BANK2
		incf	    EEADR
		movf	  EEDAT,W
		bcf		STATUS,RP1		; BANK2 -> BANK0		

; LCD entry routines watches busy flag
LCD_Chr       bsf 	LCD_RS 			; enable character mode
LCD_Ins        bsf		STATUS,RP0	; -> BANK1
		clrf 	TRISD 			; make PORTD an output
		bcf		STATUS,RP0  ; -> BANK0
		movwf 	PORTD 			; put data on LCD port
		bcf 	LCD_RW 
		bsf 	LCD_E
		bcf 	LCD_E 			; latch byte to LCD
		bcf 	LCD_RS
		bsf		STATUS,RP0	; -> BANK1
		movlw	0xff
		movwf 	TRISD 			; make LCD port input
		bcf		STATUS,RP0  ; -> BANK0
		bsf 	LCD_RW 			; enter read mode		
		bsf 	LCD_E 			; enable LCD
BusyF	btfsc 	PORTD,7 		; wait for bit 7 to be pulled low
		goto 	BusyF
		bcf		LCD_E
		bcf 	LCD_RW 			; return to instruction mode

; text to display (Table with two bytes per word)
		org 	0x0400
Text_	       dt 	      "blueroom      ",.0,.1
		dt 		"electronics   ",.2,.3

; *** 2x2 blueroomelectronics logo (house)
LCD_CC	    dt 		.128,.128,.129,.131,.135,.143,.159,.159
		dt 		.128,.128,.128,.144,.152,.156,.158,.130
		dt 		.159,.159,.159,.145,.145,.145,.159,.128
		dt 		.130,.130,.158,.130,.130,.130,.158,.128
Cosas así debemos buscar para fijarnos.
Última edición:
Lo he probado el ASM en PIC18F y es lo mismo. Sólo que tienen más instrucciones. Puedes usar las mismas del PIC16F excepto una. He notado que el clrf y clrw si lo tiene el 16F y el 18F le falta uno de los dos.

Si haces un código del 16F al 18F, la cantidad de líneas puede ser la misma. Si modificas el 18F, se hace en mucho menos escrituras, escribir menos código y se nota.