daniela lopez dijo:
si, lo q pasa es q no tengo mucha idea sobre manejarlos en programacion puesto q hemos visto muy poco, el celular q vamos a utilizar es un sony ericson y tenemos los comandos at para este pero a la hora de aplicarlos nos loqueamos
Ok, sony ericsson (especifica modelo porfa)... aca te adjunto manual de comandos at para sony ericsson
El comando es el AT+CKPD:
AT+CKPD Keypad Control (ver. 7)
Description: Execution command emulates ME keypad by giving each keystroke as a
character in a string <keys>. <time>*0.1 seconds is the time to strike each
key, and <pause>*0.1 seconds is the length of pause between two
strokes. This command should be accepted (OK returned) before actually
starting to press the keys. Thus unsolicited result codes of keys that have
been pressed and display events can be returned (see AT+CMER).
The physical keypad shall always have higher priority than emulation of
keystrokes via AT+CKPD. That is, if the physical keypad is operated during
execution of a series of keystrokes generated by AT+CKPD the emulated
keypad operation is to be terminated immediately.
Note: The default GSM character set does not contain the “[“ and “]” characters
used to emulate the left and right selection keys. Before sending
any of these keys with AT+CKPD, the character set needs to be changed,
for example to 8859-1 by sending the command AT+CSCS=”8859-1”.
Test command: AT+CKPD=? Shows if the command is supported.
<keys>: String of characters representing keys as listed in the following table
(based on PCCA STD-101 Annex table I-3). Colon character (IRA 58) followed
by one character can be used to indicate a manufacturer specific
key not listed here. All characters from a semicolon character (IRA 59) to
the next single semicolon characters are treated as alpha entries and are
not converted to key equivalents. All semicolon characters inside alpha
entries should be duplicated in the TE and stripped to one before entering
to the ME. All IRA values not listed here are reserved.
Note: The SEND and END keypad values should be mapped to appropriate
Lo voy a implementar la proxima semana, ya les cuento.