; Original program by Richard Hosking (e-mail - ???) using pic16c57
; Modify by LZ4ZD Zlatan Dimitrov (lz4zd@qsl.net) using pic16f84
; This program drive mc145170 Motorola PLL Serial Synthesizer
; from 87.6-108.0 (FM Broadcast Band) in 100kHz steps
; Freq is selected with DIP switch conected to RB0:RB7 (with pull-up resistors to Vdd)
; MCLR (reset) shift selected freq in synthesizer
; ENB is RA0
; CLK is RA1
; DATA is RA2
; 4MHz Xtal
LIST p=16f84, n = 66
include "p16f84.inc"
carry equ 0 ; Carry bit in status register
temp equ 8 ; Register for temporary data
temp_1 equ 9
divider_hi equ 0E ; Address of current synth data
divider_lo equ 0F ; N divider
tx_hi equ 12 ; Address of tx freq data
tx_lo equ 13 ; N counter
synth_enable equ 0 ; Synthesizer enable bit port A
synth_clock equ 1 ; Synthesizer data clock bit port A
synth_data equ 2 ; Synthesizer data bit port A
configure equ 64 ; Configuration setup for synth
; Bit 7 0 Polarity unchanged
; Bit 6 1 Differential phase det
; Bit 5 1 Lock detect enable
; Bits 432 001 Ref out enable divide by 1
; Bit 1 0 Fv disable
; Bit 0 0 Fr disable
counter equ 20 ;wait counter
; Routine to initialize ports
clrf PortA
clrf PortB
bsf Status,RP0
movlw 0x00 ;Define PortA as output
movwf TrisA
movlw 0xff ;Define PortB as input
movwf TrisB
bcf Status,RP0
bcf portA,synth_clock ; Clock low initially
bsf portA,synth_enable ; Enable high initially
bcf portA,synth_enable ; and then low to allow data to synth
movlw configure ; Configuration word for synth
movwf temp
movlw 08 ; 8 bits
movwf temp_1
rlf temp,f
btfsc status,carry ; Write bit to port A
bsf portA,synth_data
btfss status,carry
bcf portA,synth_data
bsf portA,synth_clock ; Clock data
bcf portA,synth_clock
decfsz temp_1
goto loop_configure ;
bsf portA,synth_enable ; Latch data to synth
; Programing Register R
movlw 07 ; first 7 bits low of 15 bits
movwf temp ; Reference divide by 40 (028h)
bcf portA,synth_enable
loop_2 ; to give 100 KHz steps from 4 MHz clock
bcf portA,synth_data ; Data low
bsf portA,synth_clock ; Clock data into synthesizer
bcf portA,synth_clock
decfsz temp
goto loop_2
bcf portA,synth_data ; Data=0
bsf portA,synth_clock ; 0
bcf portA,synth_clock
bsf portA,synth_clock ; 0
bcf portA,synth_clock
bsf portA,synth_data ; Data=1
bsf portA,synth_clock ; 1
bcf portA,synth_clock ;
bcf portA,synth_data ; Data=0
bsf portA,synth_clock ; 0
bcf portA,synth_clock
bsf portA,synth_data ; Data=1
bsf portA,synth_clock ; 1
bcf portA,synth_clock
bcf portA,synth_data ; Data=0
bsf portA,synth_clock ; 0
bcf portA,synth_clock
bsf portA,synth_clock ; 0
bcf portA,synth_clock
bsf portA,synth_clock ; 0
bcf portA,synth_clock
bsf portA,synth_enable ; Data to R reg
; Reading DIP Switch
movlw 0x6C
movwf tx_lo
movlw 0x03
movwf tx_hi
movf PortB,w
addwf tx_lo,f
btfsc status,carry
incf tx_hi,f
call synthesizer
; Synthesizer routine
; Writes 17 bits of data to the A and M dividers
; to update the synthesizer
; A data 7 bits, MSB first followed by M data 10 bits MSB first
movf tx_hi,w ; tx_rx bit high = transmit
movwf divider_hi
movf tx_lo,w
movwf divider_lo
movlw 08 ; Count for software loop
movwf temp ; 16 bits to update synth divider
bcf portA,synth_clock ; Clock must be low initially
bcf portA,synth_enable ; Enable must be low to load data
rlf divider_hi ; Move bit from divider data into carry
btfsc status,carry ; and then to synthesizer
bsf portA,synth_data
btfss status,carry
bcf portA,synth_data
bsf portA,synth_clock ; Clock data to synthesizer on pos transition
bcf portA,synth_clock ; and reset for next bit
decfsz temp ; next bit
goto loop_hi
movlw 08 ; count for lo byte
movwf temp
rlf divider_lo ; Same for M byte
btfsc status,carry
bsf portA,synth_data
btfss status,carry
bcf portA,synth_data
bsf portA,synth_clock
bcf portA,synth_clock
decfsz temp
goto loop_lo
bsf portA,synth_enable ; Enable bit low to restart synthesizer
retlw 0 ; Return
; Wait
movlw 0xff
movwf counter
kill decfsz counter
goto kill
; COOL ;-)